There are 11 repositories under html-to-docx topic.
C# client library for the REST API - Convert HTML to PDF, URL to PDF, Office Docs to PDF, Merge PDFs, HTML to Image, URL to Image, HTML to Docx, HTML to Xlsx, PDF to HTML, Thumbnail preview of office files
HTML to DOCX converter
GrabzIt enables you to convert HTML and URL's into JPG's, PNG's, DOCX's, videos, PDF's and more. Transform online videos into animated GIF's or convert HTML tables to JSON, CSV and Excel spreadsheets.
PHP client library for the REST API - Convert HTML to PDF, URL to PDF, Office Docs to PDF, Merge PDFs, HTML to Image, URL to Image, HTML to Docx, HTML to Xlsx, PDF to HTML, Thumbnail preview of office files
Node client library for the REST API - Convert HTML to PDF, URL to PDF, Office Docs to PDF, Merge PDFs, HTML to Image, URL to Image, HTML to Docx, HTML to Xlsx, PDF to HTML, Thumbnail preview of office files
Python client library for the REST API - Convert HTML to PDF, URL to PDF, Office Docs to PDF, Merge PDFs, HTML to Image, URL to Image, HTML to Docx, HTML to Xlsx, PDF to HTML, Thumbnail preview of office files
A jquery plugin. Very simple, easy to use, and the perfect Html code will be exported to Docx documents. Support custom style, say again, support custom style. I give the experience of the previous two development here to share this plug-in. Hurry Get bar!(这是一个 Jquery 插件。很简单、易用、且完美的将 Html 代码导出成 Docx 文档。支持自定义样式,再说一遍,支持自定义样式。本人给予前人的经验进行二次开发的这里共享下这个插件。赶紧 Get 吧!)
Java client library for the REST API - Convert HTML to PDF, URL to PDF, Office Docs to PDF, Merge PDFs, HTML to Image, URL to Image, HTML to Docx, HTML to Xlsx, PDF to HTML, Thumbnail preview of office files
Example usage of the js docx library to convert an html div to a docx document.
TypeScript library to convert HTML to Docx
:tea: a simply way for converting from html to docx. 一个简单的方式实现HTML转docx