
There are 18 repositories under human-ai-interaction topic.

  • brandeis-machine-learning/awesome-ml-fairness

    Papers and online resources related to machine learning fairness

  • lorenz-liu/awesome-hai

    All about human-AI interaction (HCI + AI).

  • PKU-Alignment/ProAgent

    ProAgent: Building Proactive Cooperative Agents with Large Language Models

  • BirkhoffG/Explainable-ML-Papers

    A list of research papers of explainable machine learning.

  • Stanford-ILIAD/Conventions-ModularPolicy

    PyTorch implementation for "On the Critical Role of Conventions in Adaptive Human-AI Collaboration", ICLR 2021

  • Chacha-Chen/Explanations-Human-Studies

    This repository provides a summarization of recent empirical studies/human studies that measure human understanding with machine explanations in human-AI interactions.

  • jiwnchoi/Intentable

    [VIS 2022] Intentable: A Mixed-Initiative System for Intent-Based Chart Captioning

  • Petrichor625/Gava

    [ICRA 2024] Official PyTorch Implementation of ''Human Observation-Inspired Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving in Mixed-Autonomy Traffic Environments''.

  • ymetz/rlhfblender

    RLHF-Blender: A Configurable Interactive Interface for Learning from Diverse Human Feedback

  • lemming


    Human in the loop plan selection

  • jiwnchoi/VANAS

    [HCI Korea 2022] VANAS: A Visual Analytics System for Neural Architecture Search

  • HCI-Blockchain/Blacklivesmatter

    What are People Talking about in #BackLivesMatter and #StopAsianHate? Exploring and Categorizing Twitter Topics Emerged in Online Social Movements through the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • Baljon/RTSI_HumanAI

    Agent-based model developed on the basis of the Regulatory Theory of Social Influence (RTSI) with two types of interacting agents: humans and AI entities.

  • jorge-martinez-gil/ci-component

    Component for Collaborative Intelligence within the project AIREDGIO5.0

  • pjborowiecki/COMP3647-Human-AI-Interaction-Design-LECTUTOR-React-Native

    LecTutor is a mobile app prototype for automating the process of creating revision quizzes, based on lecture notes or slides. It was created in a group setting, as an assignment for the COMP3647 Human-AI Interaction Design module at Durham University in the academic year 2022/2023. The app was implemented based on the design by other group members.

  • amcrisan/DataAgent

    Flask based REST API for experimenting with multi-agent systems that support data analysis and visualization

  • clounis/HAICO

    The objective of the HAICO project is to develop a scientific framework to study HAA collaboration where human and artificial agent can have the same role and perform the same tasks (e.g., same action’s field).

  • ianarawjo/mila-hcai

    The webpage for the Human-Centered AI Reading Group at the Mila Quebec AI Institute.
