
There are 7 repositories under human-vs-ai topic.

  • dftec-es/planetcon

    PlanetCon is a turn based strategy game for android

  • captain-majid/BWAPI-Revamped

    Play w/ smarter SC1 AI (BWAPI won't work with v17+, aka SC:R), human vs AI scenario isn't the only marvel of BWAPI world, and Revamped adds more, get ready to explore!

  • erzsebete/jogo-galo

    Experimentem jogar em:

  • Tugamer89/TicTacToe

    Tic-Tac-Toe game with AI in C++, using object-oriented design. Players can input positions, game checks for wins/ties and AI makes random first move.

  • birg81/

    Is a game of chance that expands the traditional game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It is first used to settle a dispute about what to watch on TV between Sheldon and Raj in "The Lizard-Spock Expansion".

  • Sk-Azraf-Sami/SOS-Paper-Pencil-Game-AI

    The game SOS was discovered and popularized in Turkey. It is a paper-and-pencil game typically played by two players. Each player takes turns writing either an S or an O on a grid, with the objective of forming the sequence SOS either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

  • NikolaZubic/NineMensMorrisAI

    Nine Mens Morris (Human vs AI) implemented in Python by using Alpha–Beta Pruning algorithm and Randomized Search Heuristics.
