
There are 5 repositories under hydrological topic.

  • opengeos/lidar

    A Python package for delineating nested surface depressions from digital elevation data.

  • CWatM


    Community Water Model (CWatM) is a hydrological model simulating the water cycle daily at global and local levels, historically and into the future, maintained by IIASA’s Water Security group

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7015752
  • rcfdtools/R.HydroTools

    Tools for hydrological and hydraulics computational design, modeling and analysis.

  • fherlan/WiMMed_ES_SierraNevada

    Calculate the Ecosystem Services related to hydrology (Aquifer recharge and surface runoff) with the hydrological model WiMMed in Sierra Nevada (Spain) for 2007

  • TBenkHyd2/Flood_FFD

    Flood Frequency Distribution (FFD) is free software to analyze flood and estimate Quantile for Different return Periods and Flood frequency relations