
There are 14 repositories under ida-star topic.

  • gojkovicmatija99/Sliding-puzzle-solver

    NxM puzzle solver using graph traversal algorithms

  • entangledloops/slidingpuzzle

    Sliding Puzzle solver and utilities

  • Gigi-G/npuzzle

    The N-puzzle is a sliding puzzle that consists of a frame of numbered square tiles in random order with one tile missing. The puzzle can be of any size, with the most common sizes being 3x3 and 4x4. The objective of the puzzle is to rearrange the tiles to form a specific pattern.

  • alabarjasteh/graph-search

    Implementation of different graph search algorithms in Python

  • arashsm79/jade-swarm

    Implementation of uninformed and informed AI search algorithms in Rust. Search algorithms include BFS, DFS, A*, RBFS, IDS, IDA*, and GBFS.

  • csdankim/MCTS_Sokoban

    Applying state of the art AI search algorithms to solve the Sokoban game automatically. Since Sokoban game itself is quite challenging due to its problem complexity, additionally, heuristic functions and deadlock detectors are applied. (Python)

  • angiee99/puzzle15

    Sliding game Puzzle 15, with bot for auto solving, that uses the IDA* algorithm

  • hamedrq7/Solving-Problems-by-Searching

    This is a homework about various Uninformed and Informed search algorithms, implemented for solving a simple game. This homework is a part of many projects in a Fundamentals to AI course @ FUM.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • iapost/ucs-ida

    Implementation of UCS and IDA* algorithms, using them to calculate paths in a city based on traffic predictions.

  • maede43/ai-search

    Artificial Intelligence course project - Spring 2021 - informed and uninformed search

  • miguelcarrasco/ojtli

    Java graph traversal and path finding algorithms library. Implements Iterative deepening A* (IDA*)

  • simongalasso/n-puzzle

    n-puzzle solver

  • ibeauregard/maze-solver

    This application finds the shortest path between the entrance and the exit of a maze, while avoiding obstacles. It does so using the IDA* path search algorithm. Extensive use is also being made of the C+ coding style.
