
There are 15 repositories under idiomatic-go topic.

  • inancgumus/learngo

    ❤️ 1000+ Hand-Crafted Go Examples, Exercises, and Quizzes. 🚀 Learn Go by fixing 1000+ tiny programs.

  • go-critic/go-critic

    The most opinionated Go source code linter for code audit.

  • inancgumus/gobyexample

    📚 Go by Example: Programmer's Guide to Idiomatic and Testable Code

  • H0llyW00dzZ/My-RESTAPIs-Boilerplate

    This project provides a boilerplate for building RESTful APIs using Go. It is designed to a quick start with best practices, easy configuration, and a clear project structure.

  • aicra


    :rocket: Fast, intuitive, and powerful configuration-driven engine for faster and easier REST development

  • H0llyW00dzZ/GoGenAI-Terminal-Chat

    This repository is a work in progress (WIP).

  • H0llyW00dzZ/cidr

    The cidr package provides a Go utility for converting CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) blocks into a range of numeric IP addresses. It is designed to work specifically with IPv4 addresses and is useful for network-related operations such as checking if an IP address falls within a CIDR range.

  • H0llyW00dzZ/csr-generator

    The CSR Generator is a Go package that provides functionality for generating Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) and private keys. It simplifies the process of creating CSRs with specified common names and Subject Alternative Names (SANs).

  • H0llyW00dzZ/fiber2fa

    This is a custom 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) middleware for the Fiber web framework. It provides a secure and easy-to-use solution for implementing 2FA in Fiber applications. The middleware supports TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) authentication and offers customizable configuration options.

  • akshata494/GoAdhoc

    Akshata's idiomatic go code for ad-hoc tasks.

  • H0llyW00dzZ/fibervalidator

    This is a custom validator middleware for the Fiber web framework. It allows defining validation rules for request bodies in various formats, including JSON, XML, and other content types, providing a flexible and extensible way to validate incoming data.

  • H0llyW00dzZ/ocsp-fiber

    This PKIX OCSP Fiber Framework

  • H0llyW00dzZ/ProtoHTTP

    ProtoHTTP is a simple gRPC server implementation in Go that responds with a "Hello, World!" message. This project serves as an example of how to set up a gRPC service with Go, including server reflection for tooling support.

  • kugeceo/chengyucidian

    鲁虺在线成语词典, 成语资源 成语典故 方位成语 自然成语 儿童成语 三字成语 相对成语 同字成语 动物成语 身体成语 表情成语 心情成语 叠字成语 双字成语 数字成语 成语故事 成语新编 成语接龙

  • quasilyte/go-doccheck

    Linter that helps you to make Go doc-comments more idiomatic.
