
There are 74 repositories under if-else-statements topic.

  • milaan9/03_Python_Flow_Control

    Flow control is the order in which statements or blocks of code are executed at runtime based on a condition. Learn Conditional statements, Iterative statements, and Transfer statements

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21920223
  • webwithaman/c-programming-questions

    This repository contains a collection of programming questions and solutions in the C programming language. The questions cover various fundamental concepts such as Input/Output, Operators, Decision Control, Loops, Functions, Arrays, Strings, Pointers and more.

  • Algoritmos_e_Logica_de_Programacao


    👩‍💻 • Repositório com os conteúdos de Algoritmos e Lógica de Programação, utilizando o Visual Studio e a linguagem CSharp como ferramentas de aprendizado.

  • celalaksu/Python-Programlama-Kursu

    Python Programlama Eğitimi ( Programming in Python )

  • Hafiz-Sakib/PUC-ICS-Slides

    Premier University,Chittagong.ICS Course(Mentor: Puja Chakraborty)

  • gkiplangat/alx-low_level_programming

    Alx low level programming, C programming language

  • JMK-WRL/alx-low_level_programming

    Alx low_level_programming - C programming language

  • Karllouise-code/login-system


  • rajatt95/Javascript_RS

    Programming | Javascript | VSCode | Variables | If-Else | Loops - For, While, DoWhile | Mathematical Operations | Functions | String and its operations | Javascript Object | Class & Objects | Arrays - Push, Pop, Unshift, LocateValue, Slice, Filter, Map, Sort, Reverse |

  • rajatt95/Python_RS

    Programming | Python | PyCharm | Data Types | Tuple | Dictionary | If-Else | Loops - For, While | Functions | OOPS Principles | Constructor | String - SubString, Concatenation, Split, Strip | Read & Write data into files | JSON Parsing | CSV package | Web Scrapping

  • JAVA_Tutorials


    Programming practice by using java language covers all topics from Introduction , if-else statement , loops and so on.

  • yashvardhan-rustedlegend/FizzBuzz-common-Interview-cpp

    Fizz Buzz is a very simple programming task, asked in software developer job interviews. A typical round of Fizz Buzz can be: Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100 and for multiples of '3' print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of '5' print “Buzz”.

  • bcalagoz/codeforwin_c_exercises

    This repository contains answers of Codeforwin C exercises.

  • BoyanArnaudov/Java-Basic

    The "Programming Basics" course includes writing program code at an entry level (basic coding skills), working with a development environment (IDE), using variables and data, operators and expressions, working with the console, using conditional constructs (if, if-else) and loops (for, while, do-while, nested).

  • cesjds/unit-3

    Short and basic loops

  • Electropositive/Cplusplus-Course-Code-With-Harry

    Notes from C++ Tutorials In Hindi

  • GitHubYashaswini/String-Starifier

    A simple yet powerful tool that transforms input strings to uppercase while adding a creative touch. Each character is elegantly presented with star patterns, providing a visually appealing twist to text manipulation. Ideal for quick and easy string modification.

  • ksb96/Cpp-codes

    A bunch of Cpp codes has been dumped in this repo for the newbies who are starting there journey in learning Cpp

  • Streamlit-Programs


    This repository contains programs in the Python programming language using Module Streamlit.

  • shrexa/MovieTicketBookingSystem

    A C++ Project - I developed a program that simulates a movie ticket booking system. Allowed users to view movie listings, select seats, make bookings, and calculate the total cost. Considered implementing seat availability and seat selection validation.

  • somuchmoh/day7-100daysofcoding

    Day 7 of #100DaysOfCoding - Hangman game

  • sru0309/python_practices

    All my python related practice code

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • SyedWaleed212/C-PlusPlus-Programing

    Lets learn C++ in an easy way☺

  • 8BitTimbit/Encryption-Decryption-Binary-and-English

    A small project with the purpose of being able to generate the binary and English equivalent's (Encryptions and Decryptions) of strings provided by the user. This is done by implementing HashMaps through Java programming.

  • BradyFisher/BusSimulation

    A java project where I use a simulation of Buses and Bus Stops to help a fake bus company decide how to best invest in their bus.

  • HackNiWizard/Treasure-island

    programming with python

  • ilmanmughni29/Hangman-Game

    Hangman game that contain: if-else, for, while, input, and function statements

  • ilmanmughni29/Temperature-Converter-Program

    This converter provide 4 temperature convertion between Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit.

  • mohd-tahzeeb-khan/Class-Management-System

    This Project is totally based on Core Java programming. This is a Terminal based Project. When i was pursuing my java certification Course from C-tel Solutions at that time i had developed this Project just for practice. This project content many different concepts and Predefine Methods of java.

  • affancoder/C_language

    These all my personal practiced codes in 'C' Programming Language

  • aneeshlalwani/number-programs-in-java

    This Repository contains a "Number Program". These programs are solved in "Java"

  • Ninad077/R_basics

    Content- Mathematical operators, Sequence fn, Repeat fn, Variables, Data types in R( Vector, List, Matrix, Array), Classes in R (Logical, Numeric, Character), Indexing, Accessing elements in list, matrix, vector & array, Factor fn, Dataframe in R, if else statements, Joins, default datasets, Filters, Select & Arrange fn, Visualizations in R

  • ShoppingCartProject


    Interactive Shopping Cart Project created with Javascript. Some features used were: Arrays, Functions, Objects & Loops. If you would like to view my Project, please download the compressed zip named 'ShoppingCartProjectSharley.zip' and extract file to view. Then the Shopping Cart will open with the 'Index.html' File. Thank you!

  • sophienb7/PythonProjects

    My project is a random number guessing game. The game starts by generating a random number between 1-50, and then allows the user 5 attempts to guess the random number. With each wrong guess, the program tells the user whether the random number is higher or lower than their guess as a hint.

  • vickyluvs/conditional_test1

    Test skills with JavaScripts conditional

  • vilyanab8/ProgrammingBasics

    Entry Module
