There are 14 repositories under if-env topic.
Run package.json scripts by NODE_ENV.
A minimal social media platform, where users can sign up, upload pictures, create and modify their profiles, create and modify events, make friends, and look for events nearby!
An installable PWA text editor which works without an internet connection using IndexedDB database for storing data.
This is a text editor application created in the UW Coding Bootcamp. The text editor runs in a browser and can be installed on a computer. It utilizes webpack, service-worker, express, javascript, css, and html.
Steep is a full-stack MERN App for Tea-Lovers. Create recipes, post, pictures, learn about tea and enjoy every sip.
An installable Progressive Web Application text editor that caches data
This is a portfolio page created in React.js and utilizes many other technologies.
Shop-Shop is an ecommerce MERN application. Users are able to browse items and add them to a cart, which will persist if the website is left. Additionally, users can create an account to keep track of what items they have purchased. The payment processing platform used is Stripe.
This app allows the user to search google books api and then save their liked books for later use. It uses React for client-side rendering and Bulma as a CSS framework
React Portfolio
The site facilitates access to information about the congressmen and congresswomen of Texas.
Search for that new book with ease! This app will allow user to search books, view a summary of them, save them, and will provide the link to where to buy it.
Heroku link for Matt Books Pro