
There are 12 repositories under ifelseloop topic.

  • kishanrajput23/Jetbrains-Python-Projects

    The list of the python projects which I made during learning python with Jetbrains Academy.

  • Rohit-singh19/Validate-form

    We have to validate the form on client-server using javascript.

  • abhinavk94/Python

    practice sessions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0000
  • nihar-max/hangman

    Hangman is a paper and pencil guessing game for two or more players. One player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the other(s) tries to guess it by suggesting letters within a certain number of guesses. In this given project we created a list in which consists of all the popular Hollywood actors and our task is to guess that actor name letter by letter, where we have only 6 chances. So our task is to create this game with help of simple python programming with help of Loops, List etc. etc.

  • rohitdubey1352/Age-calculator-app


  • saketmh/Woocommerce-shop-page-with-price-bar

    archive-product.php is modified to display price bar widget on top of the page

  • ZaherBG/Football

    Petya loves football very much. One day, as he was watching a football match, he was writing the players' current positions on a piece of paper. To simplify the situation he depicted it as a string consisting of zeroes and ones. A zero corresponds to players of one team; a one corresponds to players of another team. If there are at least 7 players of some team standing one after another, then the situation is considered dangerous. For example, the situation 00100110111111101 is dangerous and 11110111011101 is not. You are given the current situation. Determine whether it is dangerous or not. Input The first input line contains a non-empty string consisting of characters "0" and "1", which represents players. The length of the string does not exceed 100 characters. There's at least one player from each team present on the field. Output Print "YES" if the situation is dangerous. Otherwise, print "NO".

  • 02Jensenl/Enemies-Defeated

    Coding challenge through a C# StackSkills course.

  • PhenomSG/Quiz

    The quiz game you created using Python offers an interactive way for players to test their knowledge in a fun and engaging manner. By randomizing questions, providing multiple-choice options, and delivering immediate feedback, the game enhances the overall user experience.

  • PhenomSG/Rock_Paper_Scissor

    The rock-paper-scissors game developed in Python provides an entertaining way for players to compete against each other or a computer opponent. By following the rules of the game and incorporating user input, the game determines the winner and displays the results. With the option to replay, players can enjoy multiple rounds of this classic game.

  • shubhamthorat07/Python-If---Else-

    If - Else Statements using Python

  • Vigneswarsiddu/Python-Basics-for-Machine-Learning

    Python Basics for Machine Learning Author: K. VIGNESWAR SIDDU

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10