
There are 10 repositories under ill-posed topic.

  • dpscience/DLTReconvolution

    DLTReconvolution - A Python based software for the analysis of lifetime spectra using the iterative least-square reconvolution method

  • ilt


    :microscope: Numerical routines to inverse the Laplace Transform for semiconductor Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy.         To cite: Vasilev, A. (2024). Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform for Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6123
  • dpscience/DCONTINPALS

    pyDCONTINPALS - A Python program for running the historical FORTRAN code CONTIN-PALS which solves Fredholm integral equations with convoluted exponential decays as kernels of the type that occur in the analysis of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectra (PALS).

  • dpscience/deepIRF

    deepIRF - A deep learning approach for reverse-broadening the instrumental response (IRF) in lifetime spectra

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3201
  • dpscience/MELTail

    A modified version of the historical MATLAB code MELT additionally enabling tail-fitting on lifetime spectra consisting of distributed characteristic lifetimes using Maximum Entropy for optimization

  • dpscience/pyLifetimeSpectraGenerator

    pyLifetimeSpectraGenerator - A simple Python program for the generation of synthetic lifetime spectra consisting of discrete or distributed characteristic lifetimes.

  • sergeigribanov/ISRSolver

    A set of utilities for obtaining a Born cross section using visible cross section data

  • dpscience/pyTailFit

    pyTailFit - A simple Python program enabling tail-fitting for the analysis of lifetime spectra using least-square optimization.

  • Koliaska/tomomak

    Framework for the multidimensional limited data tomography.
