
There are 16 repositories under imageclassifier topic.

  • CaterinaBi/udacity-ai-programming

    First capstone project I worked on as part of the 'Programming in Python for AI' nanodegree at Udacity.

  • gabbygab1233/Pneumonia-Prediction-from-Xray-Images-Using-Pytorch-Fastai

    A Web Application that can Detect Pneumonia from Chest X-ray images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • XAheli/Spectrums

    Spectrums: Optimize GMM params, UI, export palettes, improve clustering accuracy, and add customizable color schemes.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • Diodak92/Image-Classifier

    Second project on Udacity Nanodeegre program - Introduction to Python for AI Programmers

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • Ruben2163/Minecraft-Seed-Finder

    minecraft seed finder

  • AdityaTheDev/ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork-To-Classify-DogVsCat

    Convolutional Neural Network to Classify Dogs and Cat. I built a ImageClassifier which classifies and tells you whether its a Dog image or a Cat image. I built a convolutional network which consists of Three Convolution layer and Three MaxPooling layer. Each Convolutional layer has filters, kernel size. Maxpooling layer has stride and pooling size. Then this Convolutional layer Connects to DeepNeuralNetwork. DNN has three hidden layer and output layer having Sigmoid Activation function. I trained this model for 31 epochs and achieved an accuracy of around 85%. I found this massive image dataset online which has 10,028 images(Ten Thousand and Twenty Eight). My model Predicted accurately during the testing phase. I even tested my model using my neighbor dog's pic and it predicted accurately.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • aevinj/ImageClassifier

    Multiclass classification of images of cats, dogs and fish

  • bnarath/ImageClassifier

    Train and deploy an image classifier with the TensorFlow framework.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • deepanshudashora/MNIST_github_actions

    Demonstrate GitHub Actions on MNIST Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Naveenpandey27/Deep-learning-projects

    Welcome to the DL Projects Repository! This repository hosts a collection of my deep learning projects, showcasing my expertise and contributions in various domains of deep learning. Each project focuses on solving unique challenges using cutting-edge deep learning techniques and architectures.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • KerasCNNFashionClassifier


    Fashion Classifier using CNN in Keras for the fashion_mnist dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • HenyerM/Building-a-Handwritten-Digits-Classifier

    In this project we will bill build models that can classify handwritten digits.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • mohsincsv/Image-Classifier-from-Scratch

    Image Classification for a City Dog Show

  • satyasaigangadharganeshnalla/imageclassifier

    Convolutional Neural Network For Image Classification With PyTorch

  • sachs7/butterfly_classifier

    A project to showcase the progress on learnings about DeepLearning.

  • Image-Classifier


    This project is an image classification model built using PyTorch and pretrained networks from torchvision. It allows training, validation, testing, and making predictions on a dataset of images, leveraging a feedforward classifier with a frozen pretrained network.
