
There are 9 repositories under imperfect-detection topic.

  • TobiasRoth/detectionfilter

    This repository contains all the materials needed to reproduce Roth et. al (2017): Functional ecology and imperfect detection of species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

  • dilsaddt/AldabraAtoll_Aldabra_giant_tortoise_seasonal_habitat_use

    Analysis of seasonal habitat-use patterns of Aldabra giant tortoises of Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles using temporary emigration models.

  • dilsaddt/NorthAnatolia_2022_singlesp_seasonal_habitat_use

    Single-species, dynamic occupancy models to investigate seasonal habitat-use patterns

  • dilsaddt/NorthAnatolia_2023_multispecies_seasonal_cooccurrence

    Multispecies occupancy models to investigate seasonal co-occurrence of predator-prey pairs and changes withing these co-occurrences.

  • farrmt/HMSDS

    Farr, M.T., Green, D.S., Holekamp, K.E., Roloff, G.J., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Multi-species hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives. Ecological Applications 9(2): e01845.

  • Quantitative-Conservation-Lab/Brusa_et_al

    Contains data and code for in-review publication on a method for estimating components of observation error in aerial surveys of marine birds

  • zipkinlab/Davis_etal_2022_EcolAndEvol

    Davis, K. L., Silverman, E. D., Sussman, A. L., Wilson, R. R., Zipkin, E. F. (2022). Errors in aerial survey count data: Identifying pitfalls and solutions. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8733.

  • zipkinlab/DiRenzo_etal_2018_EcoApps

    DiRenzo, G. V., E. Zipkin, E. C. Grant, J. A. Royle, A. V. Longo, K. Z. Zamudio, and K. R. Lips. 2018. Eco-evolutionary rescue promotes host-pathogen coexistence. Ecological Applications 28: 1948-1962.

  • zipkinlab/Farr_etal_2019_EcoApps

    Farr, M.T., Green, D.S., Holekamp, K.E., Roloff, G.J., & Zipkin, E.F. 2019. Multi-species hierarchical modeling reveals variable responses of African carnivores to management alternatives. Ecological Applications 9(2): e01845.
