
There are 9 repositories under imread topic.

  • makelove/OpenCV-Python-Tutorial


  • zchrissirhcz/smallcv

    Lightweight Mat and imread()/imwrite()/imshow()

  • i008/easyimages

    Thin wrapper ontop of PIL to explore,visualize and share images

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15212
  • mansipatel2508/Image-Forgery-Detection-CNN-vs-Transfer-Learning-Comparison

    The binary classification problem focused on first IEEE Image forensics challenge-phase 1, to predict the given image is pristine or manipulated/edited/fake. Comparing CNN & Transfer Learning models for the problem and boosting the performance by feature extraction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14223
  • Kazuhito00/imread_from_url

    指定されたURLから画像を読み取り、OpenCV形式で返す関数です(Read the image from the specified URL and enable it to be handled by OpenCV.)

  • prakHr/opencv-computerVision

    [Book Course] - Course: Book-OpenCV with Python By Example_ Build real-world computer vision applications and develop cool demos using OpenCV for Python

  • hansalemaos/a_cv_imwrite_imread_plus

    Less trouble reading/writing images with OpenCV (from url/path/buffer/base64...)

  • sagar2168616/Image-classification

    House Image Classification using CNN

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • tommasosansone91/sottopoco_vscode

    Simple python package containing some helpful tools for practicing with opencv module on VScode. Generally, it is preferable to use Jupiter Notebook to practice with opencv, but in case one wants to do the practice with VScode instead of JN, here comes this package.
