
There are 35 repositories under incidence topic.

  • Timecollector/Grey_Model


  • robert-koch-institut/COVID-19_7-Tage-Inzidenz_in_Deutschland

    Im Datensatz werden die aktuellen 7-Tage-Inzidenzen der nach den Vorgaben des Infektionsschutzgesetzes - IfSG - an das RKI übermittelten COVID-19-Fälle veröffentlicht. Datengrundlage zur Berechnung der 7-Tage-Inzidenzen sind die an das RKI übermittelten COVID-19-Fälle.

  • codingprivacy/Beam-Radiation-Calculator

    This is Beam Radiation Calculator which finds the angle of Incidence i.e. the angle at which Sun's ray strikes at a specified place on Earth from the provided Details.

  • paezha/covid19-environmental-correlates

    Paez, Antonio, et al. "A spatio‐temporal analysis of the environmental correlates of COVID‐19 incidence in Spain." Geographical Analysis 53.3 (2021): 397-421.

  • SACEMA/inctools

    Incidence Estimation Tools

  • AICAN-Research/breast-cancer-stats

    :cherry_blossom: Notebooks for making publish-worthy visualizations using WHO breast cancer data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4302
  • inestej/cancer_africa

    Here are the detailed Python/R scripts for collating and analyzing the incidence and fatality rates for the 10 most common and fatal cancers in 56 African countries from 5 different African regions (North, West, East, Central, and South) over 16-years (2002–2018). Analysis is performed by gender, by HDI, and by available medical devices.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • flodt/covid-19

    A COVID-19 district-level dashboard.

  • LauraBalzer/SEARCH_Analysis_Adults

    R code for evaluating adult HIV incidence, health, & implementation outcomes for the first phase of the SEARCH Study ( Full statistical analysis plan available at

  • Mugetsu15/corona

    Corona incidence viewer

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2020-004-MC

    Incidência de correção em tratamento conservador de Camptodacilia: coorte retrospectiva

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2023-004-BH

    Effect of socioeconomic status in mortality rates after brain injury: cohort study

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2023-016-BH

    Time-adjusted effect of socioeconomic status in mortality rates after brain injury: cohort study

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2023-017-BH

    Sensitivity of mortality rates to the imputation of missing socioeconomic data: cohort study

  • seabbs/tbinenglanddataclean

    Cleans and Munges Tuberculosis and Demographic Data for England

  • Arquisoft/InciManager_e3b

    Módulo de gestión y carga de incidencias desarrollado en Spring boot. Arquitectura del Software. Universidad de Oviedo

  • baerla/inzidenz-cli

    A cli written in golang which extracts the current incidence of the cities homepage.

  • clecarosc/psoriasis-incidence

    code for examining incidence rates of psoriasis in Chile

  • mbannick/XSRecency

    Package for incidence estimation via recency assays with single time-point cross-sectional data collection

  • mishra-lab/hiv-model-eswatini

    HIV mdelling project on intersections of risk (FSW) & intervention (ART) heterogeneity based on Eswatini

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2021-007-JB

    Incidence rates of scorpion accidents in Urban Planning Areas of Americana/SP in 1998-2018

  • sandzp/COVID-19_California

    A graphical analysis/report of the spread of COVID-19 Through California

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • sfacente/

    This is the repository for the website of CEPHIA, the Consortium for the Evaluation and Performance of HIV Incidence Assays.

  • sorgfresser/CovidGer

    A small python script plotting the difference between the calculated RKI-incidence and the LAGuS-incidence in the district Vorpommern-Greifswald, Germany. | Ein kleines Python-Programm, das den Unterschied in der Inzidenz von Vorpommern-Greifswald mit und ohne Nachmeldungen darstellt.

  • danilofreire/ballots-bullets-recp-replication-files

    Replication Data for "Between Ballot Boxes and Guns: The Competitiveness of the Executive Branch and Civil Wars, 1976–2000". Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 36:33–60 (2014)

  • elsamuko/corona_kiel

    Plot age data for corona cases

  • knutkirkhorn/covid-19-incidence-notifier

    🤒⏰ Get notified about new COVID-19 incidences in your location (Norway only)

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2022-016-JB

    Associação entre vacinação de COVID-19 e internações por SRAG em idosos nas áreas programáticas do Rio de Janeiro/RJ em 2021

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2022-019-GT

    Association between peak troponin levels and post-surgery mortality in an Australian hospital

  • philsf-biostat/SAR-2022-033-SG

    Plano Analítico para eficácia do enxerto Vivendi na correção de curvatura peniana

  • robert-koch-institut/COVID-SARI-Hospitalisierungsinzidenz

    Zur Einschätzung der Krankheitslast schwerer symptomatischer Atemwegsinfektionen im stationären Bereich wird mithilfe von Daten aus der syndromischen Krankenhaussurveillance ICOSARI die Inzidenz der Fälle, die mit einer schweren akuten respiratorischen Infektion (SARI) und einer COVID-19-Diagnose in ein Krankenhaus zur Behandlung aufgenommen wurden

  • robert-koch-institut/SARI-Hospitalisierungsinzidenz

    Zur Einschätzung der Krankheitslast schwerer symptomatischer Atemwegsinfektionen im stationären Bereich wird mithilfe von Daten aus der Krankenhaussurveillance ICOSARI die Inzidenz der Fälle, die mit einer schweren akuten respiratorischen Infektion (SARI) in ein Krankenhaus zur Behandlung aufgenommen wurden, pro 100.000 Einwohner berechnet.
