
There are 9 repositories under index-of-coincidence topic.

  • ichantzaras/polysub-cryptanalysis

    Examples of applying Kasiski examination and Index of Coincidence along with Frequency analysis to restore cryptographic key of Vigenere encypted ciphertext and decrypt it.

  • arvindpj007/Enigma-M4-Cryptanalysis

    Cryptanalysis of Enigma M4 in Go Lang with pure statistical means utilizing Index of Coincidence and Trigram analysis.

  • netromdk/clyzer

    C[ryptographic Ana]lyzer

  • phillity/Cryptography

    Cryptography Algorithm Implementations

  • dmamakas2000/cryptanalysis-python

    In this project, we experiment with the use of diverse cryptographic algorithms. First, we attempt to encrypt a plaintext message using the Vigenère Algorithm and a fixed-length encryption key. Afterward, we experiment with the decryption of the produced cipher using Kasiski's Method, as well as the Index of Coincidence statistical test.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • Jsos17/Classic-crypto

    Vigenère cipher, keyed Vigenère cipher and autokey cipher. Single and double columnar transposition ciphers. Cryptanalysis of the Vigenère cipher. Data Structures and Algorithms Lab, summer 2018 (offered by Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science, University of Helsinki).

  • borislav1/crackvigenere

    Program which cracks Vigenere cipher, for English cipher text

  • joshroybal/fortran-hillclimb

    hillclimbing attack on simple substitution ciphers
