
There are 27 repositories under integrity-monitoring topic.

  • ShaneK2/ A high speed (Gbps) Forensics, Memory integrity & assurance. Includes offensive & defensive memory capabilities. Find/Extract processes, hypervisors (including nested) in memory dumps using microarchitechture independent Virtual Machiene Introspection techniques

  • NVISOsecurity/binsnitch

    Detect silent (unwanted) changes to files on your system

  • Achiefs/fim

    FIM is an Open Source Host-based file integrity monitoring tool that performs file system analysis, file integrity checking, real time alerting and provides Audit daemon data.

  • K2/Scripting

    PS / Bash / Python / Other scripts For FUN!

  • iomoath/file_watchtower

    Lightweight File Integrity Monitoring Tool

  • DearBytes/Remote-Integrity-Tool

    The DearBytes remote integrity tool is an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) that keeps track of files on a remote server and logs an event if a file gets added, removed or modified.

  • fbprogmbh/MBAM-Test-Automation

    The MBAM Test Automation Package gives you the ability to get an overview about the availability and the security status of your Microsoft Bitlocker Administration and Monitoring (MBAM) system. You can easily create HTML-reports, even on a regulary basis. Or test specific components and security issues of your system.

  • SoniaRuiz/aws-s3-integrity-check

    Bash script to check the md5 integrity of a set of files that have previously been uploaded into an AWS S3 bucket.

  • umutcamliyurt/IntegrityGuard

    A very secure tool for monitoring integrity of important files

  • K2/HashServer

    A Kestrel app server provides a just in time JitHash white list. The client is in powershell and can be used to test remote system memory for unknown code. Rendered doc's are here

  • ajaykumarkk/FIM

    File integrity monitoring where the is at the client side and reports to a php server and also sends an email to the admin

  • Akashnayyar/File-Integrity-Monitor

    Monitor created in PowerShell. It creates an Integrity baseline of target files/folders using the SHA-512 hashing algorithm. Continuously made comparison of actual files vs baseline, raised alerts if any deviations occurred. Sends alerts via notifications in PowerShell to allow further investigation of potential compromise.

  • BenEdridge/fast-file-tracker

    📂 An extremely fast (NVMe speed @Gb/s) file tracker and validator using xxhash

  • OAAmine/File-Integrity-Monitor

    A basic FIM (File Integrity Monitor)

  • darkoid/pufin

    Powershell Universal File Integrity Nspector

  • GTekSD/File-Integrity-Monitor

    FIM code based on Integrity from CIA Triad. It basically check if the given files get altered, changed or modified. it will alert user if any changes in hash happnes.

  • lai0pei/BlockChain-Data-Integrity-using-SHA256

    A demonstration for data integrity on blockchain technology

  • VNovytskyi/ShellerTerminal

    Windows application for testing Sheller on MCUs

  • ChiragRadhakrishna43-7/DBMS-Mini-Project-5th-Semester-

    Mini project regarding database management as part of the curriculum prescribed by VTU.

  • lucid-services/serviser-cli

    service inspection and integrity checkup plugin

  • miniestrav/Files-Integrity-Monitor

    A program that monitors a selected folder in windows for any changes to the files within.

  • DrPaulBrewer/verify-bucket-md5

    Compare the md5 metadata of files in a Google Cloud Storage [tm] bucket against an md5.json file also stored in the bucket. Returns Promise

  • DrPaulBrewer/verify-fsdir-md5

    Compare the md5 of files in a filesystem directory against an md5.json file also stored in the directory

  • DrPaulBrewer/verify-md5

    Command line client to manage md5 verification of files in local directories and Google Cloud Storage [tm] buckets

  • Pr4kharam/Fingerprint-of-a-System

    This repository contains scripts designed to generate comprehensive fingerprints of Linux and Windows systems. The scripts captures detailed information about the system's hardware and configuration at a specific point in time, effectively creating a snapshot that can be used for inventory management, system audits, or troubleshooting purposes

  • s19g92/Dropbox-Security-Project

    The project adds a additional layer of security over the traditional Dropbox. Files can now be encrypted (with AES 128 bit), and then shared with other users (The key to the AES is encrypted with Public RSA key of user with whom the file is to be shared). The Decryption process also verifies the integrity of the file.

  • Tony-91/integrity_realtime_demo

    A real-time demo of what integrity means in the world of cyber security - using a FIM!
