
There are 10 repositories under inundation topic.

  • NOAA-OWP/inundation-mapping

    Flood inundation mapping and evaluation software configured to work with U.S. National Water Model.

  • NOAA-OWP/ras2fim

    Creation of flood inundation raster libraries and rating curves from HEC-RAS models.

  • CyprienBosserelle/BG_Flood

    Numerical model for simulating shallow water hydrodynamics on the GPU using an Adaptive Mesh Refinment type grid. The model was designed with the goal of simulating inundation (River, Storm surge or tsunami). The model uses a Block Uniform Quadtree approach that runs on the GPU but the adaptive/multi-resolution/AMR is being implemented and not yet operational. The core SWE engine and adaptivity has been inspired and taken from St Venant solver from Basilisk and the CUDA GPU memory model has been inspired by the work from Vacondio _et al._2017)

  • CyprienBosserelle/xbeach_gpu

    Lightweight version of XBeach that uses CUDA C to run on the GPU. The code is used to simulate coastal waves, currents, sediment transport and beach morphology changes during extreme events. Visit:

  • QingYang6/RAPID-NRT-flood-maps-on-AWS

    Product Info, Background, and Data Structure

  • c-hydro/reflex

    :ocean: REFlEx (Rapid Estimation of FLood EXtent) is the geomorphologic inundation model developed at CIMA Foundation

  • ChaoEcohydroRS/FlorenceFlood_UAVSAR_Repo

    Code release for "Flood Extent Mapping During Hurricane Florence With Repeat-Pass L-Band UAVSAR Images"

  • Deltares-research/aqueduct-coastal-flooding

    Scripts to simulate coastal flood hazard at the global scale based on near-shore still water levels using a simple GIS routing.

  • CyprienBosserelle/CIFDP

    Source code for the coastal inundation forecast demonstration project for Fiji

  • pk12pk23/FIM

