
There are 3 repositories under iot-device-sdk topic.

  • VirgilSecurity/virgil-iotkit

    Virgil IoTKit is a C library for connecting IoT devices to Virgil IoT Security PaaS. IoTKit helps you easily add security to your IoT devices at any lifecycle stage for secure provisioning and authenticating devices, secure updating firmware and trust chain, and for secure exchanging messages using any transport protocols.

  • jonmikeli/azureiotdevicesimulator5-dps

    The Azure IoT Device Simulator (.NET 5)-DPS implements a broad part of the features included in the Azure IoT Device SDK (C#) (D2C/C2D and M2C/C2M). Furthermore, the simulator implements device provisioning based on Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service.

  • jonmikeli/azureiotdevicesimulator3

    Azure IoT Device Simulator (.Net Core 3.x version) implementing an important part of the features of the Azure IoT Device SDK.
