
There are 57 repositories under iot-devices topic.

  • thingsboard-arduino-sdk

    Arduino libarary to connect with ThingsBoard IoT Platform

  • pubnub-mqtt-gate-esp32-iot

    Example firmware for local secure and easy mqtt iot gate to PubNub channels on esp32 using PlatformIO

  • ECML-Tutorial-ML-Meets-IoT

    Repository of the ECML PKDD 2021 tutorial title 'Machine Learning Meets Internet of Things: From Theory to Practice'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Robust-Distributed-VGG

    This is a simulated environment that conceptualize a network of IOT devices, where every devices contains one part of the pre-trained model represented by a class. I also made the network resilient to electrical disruption and robust to intermediate node fail, by adding an extension layer in the final node that will re-connect the initial node with the final layer

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • mcu-data-streaming-cloud

    Here on this repo you can find documents and the project I used on my Diploma thesis.

  • Internet-Of-Things

    The goal of this project is add IoT support and provided a better understanding of how the IOT devices Work.

  • IoTImageCaptioningCloud

    This project is to make an application that helps alleviate the issues faced by visually impaired people. We have built a visual aid with the help of IoT devices and cloud resources that identifies obstacles in the IoT devices line of sight and warns the user about its presence. This application while being very simple in its idea will prove to be of utmost importance for the users. The user should have access to an IoT device with a camera and speaker in it. This device captures images from the camera and sends it across the network, where a trained ML model identifies the objects in this image and returns these labels. The labels are further fed into a model that converts text to speech and the final caution warning is played on the IoT’s speaker to help the user. This application has a payment portal and requires a humble fee of 0.02 ether which is required in order to use the services.

  • azureiotdevicesimulator3

    Azure IoT Device Simulator (.Net Core 3.x version) implementing an important part of the features of the Azure IoT Device SDK.

  • DataMaq

    DigiRail: Solución avanzada para el monitoreo y control industrial, enfocada en optimización de la producción a través de datos en tiempo real y análisis. Compatible con dispositivos Modbus

  • ble-client

    This app is used to scan BLE devices and connect with them.

  • iot-devices

    IoT Devices (Arduino & Raspberry Pi)

  • Scup

    This is the link to the Microsoft store:

  • toong

    Play-io Hub App on Grafana that is UI for automation provisioning software to IoT devices

  • drogue-thing

    A Thing, for the Internet, built with Drogue IoT.

  • internet-of-things-hub

    My goal is to build a smart hub for Internet of Things (IoT) using a full stack web application framework such as spring boot.

  • IoTLogBlock

    A novel architecture to register records of IoT Devices to Hyper-ledger Fabric

  • iot-sim

    Representational simulation of IoT devices

  • autohome

    Autohome is a project where you can create your own private home automation eco-system where you can code/control MCU's(microcontroller devices), iot enabled devices such as relay,esp boards raspberry boards to automate or trigger the home automation

  • anyboardjs

    A simple JS-framework for creating mobile games, using tangible devices.
