
There are 133 repositories under java-app topic.

  • sksalahuddin2828/Java

    Explore something new

  • eemustafasahin/Complete_Java_Course_Notes

    These notes cover almost every aspects of core Java. Then there will be JavaEE applications. Note: Codes in these notes have been written by Oğuz Karan, trainer and instructor in C and System Programmers Association.

  • hoangsonww/Escape-the-Cursor-Game

    🖱️ This repository hosts the "Escape the Cursor" game, developed in Java and JavaFX. It presents an engaging and challenging gameplay where players must navigate their cursor through various obstacles without being caught. This project showcases event handling and graphical user interface (GUI) design.

  • AkashKobal/android-development

    Welcome to our cutting-edge Android development repository! 🚀 This repository is a testament to innovation and best practices in Android app development. Utilizing the latest java features and following the recommended Repository Pattern, we ensure clean code separation and a robust architecture.

  • danielbatres/orthodontic-dentistry-clinical-management

    A Java application designed to streamline the management of clinics offering dental and orthodontic services. This project, developed using Java Swing, provides essential tools for such clinics, making it ideal for single-doctor practices. It helps manage patients, appointments, records and more.

  • neoforged/snowblower

    Creates a git repository with decompiled Minecraft sources

  • shivamverma26/ATM_Simulator

    The ATM Simulator app replicates real-world ATM functions, verifying user credentials before enabling transactions. Users can withdraw, deposit, transfer funds, and check balances. With a secure interface and backend integration, the app ensures smooth, authenticated, and efficient financial interactions.

  • neziw/ReleaseChecker

    Easy and lightweight GitHub release parser written in Java using Gson and HTTP Requests.

  • kosa12/SlotMachine

    The Slot Machine Game is a cyberpunk themed Java-based application that simulates a virtual slot machine. It is designed to provide users with an engaging and entertaining experience of playing a slot game. The project incorporates sound effects, animations, customizable options, and an intuitive user interface.

  • Factral/FoodCompare

    Encuentra las mejores opciones alimenticias en línea y toma decisiones informadas owo

  • gayanukabulegoda/Ceylon-Potters-Palette-App

    A customized IT solution that streamlines employee, stock, supplier, and order management with insightful dashboards and profit analysis.

  • gayanukabulegoda/CPP-Layered

    An upgraded IT solution for pottery management, improved with layered architecture for better performance and user experience.

  • glowingstone124/TinyMSG

    A chat application using Java.

  • kawansoft/SympleGit-Java

    SympleGit is a Java-based Git wrapper, co-developed with AI assistance, offering simplicity and ease of extension through AI integration.

  • marinajcs/Paint-SMM

    Aplicación multimedia basada en la idea de un Paint que cuenta con funcionalidades relacionadas con el dibujo/gráficos, las imágenes, el sonido y el vídeo. Desarrollada en las prácticas de la asignatura de Sistemas Multimedia en la UGR [SMM Curso 22-23].

  • neziw/FlappyBird-Java

    Simple FlappyBird game written in Java Swing without assets.

  • withinJoel/Starship

    This Java Spring Boot application facilitates user registration and login processes. It prioritizes user data security with password hashing and validation. The intuitive interface streamlines account creation and login, while informative error messages guide users through potential issues.

  • alexHaridis/ForceDensityAPI

    A JAVA/Processing sketch that implements the Force Density Method (FDM) and Dynamic Form-Finding (PSS: Particle-Spring Systems). Form finding, structural design and optimization of grid shells. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 2015/2017.

  • Ibournakas/PaPapp

    A University Project on Software Engineering. Task organisation and implementation, SCRUM, Java/Android Studio.

  • vikashpatel24/iMusic

    Simple Music Player Android App made using Java

  • Abhikar12/Super-Market-Billing-System

    In this project, we will be creating a SuperMarket Billing System in Java using Swing for the user interface and SQLite as the database for the application. The system will have two profiles: Admin and Cashier.

  • amitthecoder/Secure_Password_Generator

    This is password generator app. This app has been built with the help of JAVA and XML. LottieFiles animations has been used in this app.

  • deliciafernandes/Bank-Demo

    Working model of a bank management system using Java.

  • EngineerAmit/Town_Tour_Android_App

    Explore all India city with Town Tour: Discover landmarks, personalized recommendations, guided tours & support local businesses. Your ultimate urban companion!

  • FahimFBA/javafx-guessing-number-game

    GUI based Guessing Number Game (Using JavaFX)

  • GyanPrakashRaj/imageslide

    java app - parallel image scrolling and sliding

  • kamilaalv/GardenOfEden

    :blossom: :rose: Java Flower Shop with Management features

  • Maguxo/Appmovil-Hogar_Gestor

    App móvil que cosiste en el acompañamiento, la asesoría y el apoyo económico para el fortalecimiento familiar.

  • MatheusPDS07/BzInventory

    A ideia desse projeto é criar a mesma aplicação utilizando várias tecnologias diferentes.

  • MettaSurendhar/Met_talk-Client

    Client side program of chat application made by using Java, Servlet and Java Servlet Pages

  • OsirisMedici/Data-Structures

    DSA Advance: Unleashing DSA Jedi Skills!

  • stakater-charts/java-app

    Helm chart for java-app

  • chriseborowski/walletone

    A robust Java-based virtual credit card management system featuring constant-time operations, multi-key indexing, and scalable architecture. Utilizes HashMaps for O(1) lookups, implements memory-efficient data structures, and supports multi-user card management. Offers card addition, removal, card/user searches, and card info display.

  • CrescentMnn/pixel_art_app

    This project serves as an intuitive tool for creating pixel art designs. It offers users a simple and intuitive interface for creating pixel art visuals using a choice of colours and tools. The application allows you to draw, erase, fill, and select colours from a palette.

  • Sushmashreeps/Android-Development

    Welcome to our cutting-edge Android development repository! 🚀 This repository is a testament to innovation and best practices in Android app development. Utilizing the latest java features and following the recommended Repository Pattern, we ensure clean code separation and a robust architecture.
