
There are 10 repositories under java-automation topic.

  • praveenLT/java-testng-cdp-intercept-network

    A sample repo to help you intercept network with Java-TestNG on LambdaTest cloud. Run Selenium tests with TestNG on LambdaTest platform.

  • michalkasiarz/selenium-webdriver-java

    Selenium WebDriver with Java from LetsKodeIt

  • Java_Automation


    This is for practicing, learning, and teaching Java, Selenium, and Cucumber

  • selenium_cheatsheet
  • dinocajic/auto-inventory-updater-java

    Automatic Inventory Updater. The company provided no API and no database access. We still needed to "automate" the inventory process. This is the portion of the program that exported inventory from the POS system and sent it to the company site where the PHP program took over.

  • dinocajic/java-excel-sales-report-crawler

    The report that we currently export does not calculate figures correctly. The company that we have the program through currently offers no solution to the issue. I created a way to crawl the Excel report and extract the information that was necessary for accurate reporting.

  • dinocajic/java-inventory-excel-crawler

    We currently have a way to export excel sheets. The company has multiple locations. Upon inventory export, the items are listed on the sheet for location 1, then for location 2, etc. The program extracts the part number, location, and qty, combines them and generates a CSV file that can be imported into the database.

  • dinocajic/java-pdf-sales-report-crawler

    The report that we currently export does not calculate figures correctly. The company that we have the program through currently offers no solution to the issue. I created a way to crawl the PDF report and extract the information that was necessary for accurate reporting. I devised two different approaches since we can export two reports that surprisingly differ drastically when reading the PDF line by line, even though they look nearly identical.

  • dinocajic/java-turnover-analysis-report-crawler

    Generates the turnover analysis report like how the company is used to seeing it. Currently, the items for each branch are separated. The new report groups them together one after another with a branch column next to each part.

  • ikostan/AppiumTesting

    Intro to Mobile automation testing for IOS and Android with Appium and Java
