
There are 7 repositories under java-restful-api topic.

  • mariazevedo88/travels-java-api

    An API for travel management. It is built with Java, Spring Boot, and Spring Framework. A toy-project to serve as a theoretical basis for the Medium series of articles I wrote about Java+Spring.

  • eemustafasahin/JavaEE_App_Course_Notes_and_Projects

    These course notes contain additional informations on core java and have some JavaEE projects. Note: Codes in these notes have been written by Oğuz Karan, trainer and instructor in C and System Programmers Association.

  • dynomake/JestFramework

    Framework simplifies the creation a Restful API.

  • rafaalvesf/buscaCep-JAVA-SPRING

    o servico de busca de CEP, funciona realizando buscas relacionadas ao cep informado, retornando a informação de Logradouro, Bairro, cidade e estado, facilitando o preenchimento automático dessas informações em algum site, em que o endereço seja necessário informá-lo.

  • GabrielFDuarte/Desafio-Bank-Api-MAIDA

    API REST bancária para o desafio da Maida;health

  • ChatGTHB/RestAssured_API_AutomationTesting_Framework

    A Java-based API testing automation framework with RestAssured and TestNG; automates REST API tests with CRUD operations, API key authentication, and flexible assertions, using Jackson for JSON handling and JavaFaker for random data generation.

  • leandrocezar/products-java-api

    An API to product management. It built with Java, Spring Framework and Spring Boot. To create, update, delete ou retrieve products it uses H2 database (in memory)
