
There are 7 repositories under jinga topic.

  • Dv-nn/Cheat-Sheet-Python

    Шпаргалка Python

  • yasingunay/CS50x

    This is CS50x , Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently.

  • Alex-Reitz/Crypto-Cap

    My first capstone project I built as part of Springboard's curriculum. This is a flask app with authentication and authorization, allows users to add favorites, see top 200 cryptocurrencies by market cap, and see in depth information on cryptos. Built with Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQL-Alchemy, CSS, HTML, and Jinga templates.

  • priyaskumar/MyNotes-Website

    A note taking web app built using Flask web framework

  • ykSneerG/TrafficLight

    Control a traffic light via HTML using a Raspberry and a 4 channel relay.

  • Bikramai/Django-Interships-App

    Internease a web based application to facilitate students to get interships and organizations to get best internies.

  • lexxai/goit_python_web_hw_11

    GoIT, Python WEB, Homework number 11. FastAPI. PostgreSQL. Docker. REST API. ORM SQLAlchemy. Pydantic. Jinga. Alembic.
