
There are 56 repositories under john-the-ripper topic.

  • ZerBea/hcxtools

    A small set of tools to convert packets from capture files to hash files for use with Hashcat or John the Ripper.

  • ZerBea/hcxdumptool

    Small tool to capture packets from wlan devices.

  • e-ago/bitcracker

    BitCracker is the first open source password cracking tool for memory units encrypted with BitLocker

  • n0kovo/awesome-password-cracking

    A curated list of awesome tools, research, papers and other projects related to password cracking and password security.

  • RealEnder/dwpa

    Distributed WPA PSK auditor

  • ZerBea/hcxkeys

    Small set of tools to generate plainmasterkeys (rainbowtables) and hashes for the use with latest hashcat and John the Ripper.

  • AdrianVollmer/Crack-O-Matic

    Find and notify users in your Active Directory with weak passwords

  • openwall/john-packages

    Community packages of John the Ripper, the auditing tool and advanced offline password cracker (Docker images, Windows PortableApp, Mac OS, Flatpak, and Ubuntu SNAP packages)

  • jmagers/MacinHash

    Convert MacOS plist password file to hash file for password crackers

  • NorthwaveSecurity/wikiraider

    Want to crack passwords faster by using a wordlist that fits your 'target audience'? Use WikiRaider.

  • The_Cracker


    Herramienta dirigida exclusivamente al uso de Fuerza Bruta y Ataques de Diccionario a varios tipos de Objetivos. [NO ME HAGO RESPONSABLE DEL MAL USO DE ESTA HERRAMIENTA]

  • EngineerRancho/wordlist-generator

    This tool helps to create a unique wordlist which can crack more than 50% of passwords using brute-force attack, so on social media sites such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc as well

  • n0kovo/danish-wordlists

    Collection of danish base wordlists for cracking danish passwords (Hashcat, John the Ripper etc.)

  • mattwright324/hashID

    Web-app to identify the different types of hashes

  • claudioandre-br/packages

    Docker Image, Flatpak, Windows, and Ubuntu SNAP packages for a few OSS projects

  • Debajyoti0-0/AirHunt

    AirHunt is a versatile and user-friendly wireless network hacking toolkit designed for security professionals and enthusiasts. With a wide range of powerful features, AirHunt empowers users to conduct comprehensive wireless network security assessments.

  • MXall0c/cauldera

    Distillations and expansions on Rocktastic12a

  • vishalpatil1337/Microsoft-Office-Password-Cracker-tool

    Using Microsoft Office Password Cracker tool we can unlock any Microsoft Office file.This tool is using john tool. wordlist generator is also included with python script.

  • redcode-labs/RedHash

    Medusa combo files, Hashcat rules and dictionaries, JRT rules

  • Maulem/Hacking-Library

    A library full of Hacking and Pentesting tools

  • Beesoc/easy-linux

    I'm not the author of ANY of the tools that this menu system is installing, configuring or running. I have just put together this BASH menu system to help some non-technical friends utilize Linux, Pwnagotchi's and some pretty sweet Linux tools.

  • k4u5h1k/Cracker

    Hashcat. Automated.

  • jef/gh-audit-org-keys

    🔑 Provides list of public SSH keys of an organization

  • Monksc/MD5PaswordCracker

    Given a text file of passwords and choices for each possible character in the password, it will use multiple threads on the cpu and gpu to brute force all possible choices. On my 2015 MacBook Pro it saw 4.5x performance increase with using the gpu and multiple threads on the cpu.

  • Number16BusShelter/BitBrutal

    This Rust program generates all possible changes of r simultaneous positions in a given phrase with characters from a given alphabet.

  • shamo0/georgian_wordlists

    Collection of Georgian Wordlists

  • ShubhamJagtap2000/Crypto101

    🔐 Introduction to Encryption and Learning Cryptography

  • Al-Fuad/EasyHack

    EasyHack is a project aimed at simplifying the management of penetration testing tools through a command-line interface (CLI). Penetration testers often work with various tools like nmap, John the Ripper.

  • Archips/snow-crash

    This project is an introduction to computer security in various sub-domains, with a developer-oriented approach.

  • cristhianmt/tryhackme

    reportes de máquinas realizadas

  • pritam20ps05/HashCracker

    A tool designed to perform dictionary attack on SHA256 hashes. It implements parallel computation of hashes to compute through large dictionaries more quickly.

  • TCRetriever/blockchain2john is a python program to extract wallet.aes.json wallet to hash. its updated to extract hash of Wallet V4.

  • ThatOnePasswordWas40Passwords/phrase-gen

    Generating sliding window ngrams of specified customizations over a given body of text. Great for generating passphrase candidates with a focus on human memorization from a given source material.

  • W4W1R3/CyberTalents-Introduction-to-Cybersecurity-Bootcamp-2023

    Hey there! 👋 Welcome to my three-weeks learning journey into the exciting world of cybersecurity with CyberTalents. I'm thrilled to share my progress and experiences with you as I embark on this cybersecurity adventure.