
There are 17 repositories under jokes-generator topic.

  • alanJames00/lol-loop-2

    Just another programming jokes page

  • Barriose01/Generador-de-Imagenes-y-frases-JS

    Una aplicacion web que, al presionar un boton, te muestra una imagen, frase, chiste o acertijo aleatorio

  • vishakha-singhal01/random-jokes-generator

    Random Jokes Generator is a delightful web app fetching amusing dad jokes from the icanhazdadjoke API. Click the 'Get Joke' button to bring instant laughter! Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this project is open for contributions. Enjoy the humor and spread the joy!

  • byurudur/knock-knock-joker

    An interactive random knock-knock joker with your computer

  • j471n/jokes-generator

    This is a fun project for entertaining users and to enjoy a bit of humor, whether they are looking for something quick and light or are in the mood for a more elaborate joke. It uses a public API to access a database of jokes and randomly select a joke to display to the user..

  • khushboo-barnoliya/Jokes-Generator-khushboo-coding

    This project is a simple jokes generator built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It generates random jokes from a predefined collection and displays them to the user. With a click of a button, users can enjoy a quick laugh or share the jokes with friends.

  • santoshvandari/Random-Jokes-API

    A simple PHP-based API for generating random jokes. Fetch a random joke or contribute your own jokes to keep the laughter going. Easy to integrate and customize. Let the fun begin!

  • THEJOHNCALEB/techjokes

    Generate random tech/programming jokes to make your day 👻

  • JokeSplash


    Here's a small entertainment app called JokeSplash that retrieves funny jokes through API calls.

  • dsmelanie/dad-jokes-generator

    Dad jokes generator using an external API

  • Akash-nath29/jokesWebApp

    A flask based joke collector website to make your bad mood great !!

  • aniruddhaadak80/API_projects

    Deployment URL of API_projects

  • mohammadkiaei/dady-jokes

    This is Joke teller app using API.

  • rikkeuldbaek/DadJokeGenerator_LA_FP

    This repository contains the final project in the course Language Analytics which is a part of the elective Cultural Data Science at Aarhus University. In this final project two text-generators producing dad-jokes are compared, namely a finetuned and pretrained GPT-2 and a simple RNN.

  • sonyafar/fun-jokes

    A web app written from scratch using public APIs to enjoy a bit of humor

  • surswaty/random-jokes

    A web app which provides random jokes to the user. Tech stake mainly used is ReactJs and TailwindCSS.

  • ViNu-23/React-random-joke-App

    React Dad Jokes App
