
There are 5 repositories under joular topic.

  • joular/joularjx

    JoularJX is a Java-based agent for software power monitoring at the source code level.

  • powerjoular


    PowerJoular allows monitoring power consumption of multiple platforms and processes.

  • joular/powermodels

    A database containing power models for various computing components, and hardware devices.

  • joular/joularjx-reader

    JoularJX Reader is a GUI application to read and process the energy and data generated by JoularJX

  • UPPA-s-University-Projects/M2-2024-GreenIT-LWs

    All green IT's Lab work. Each lab work is stored in its dedicated branch. You will find the dataset, code (if any) and the report. You can also find a V1.0.0 release for each lab containing all the source code and the report in PDF format.