
There are 41 repositories under jsx-templates topic.

  • markuplint/markuplint

    An HTML linter for all markup developers.

  • Dct-tcd/Dsa-Tracker

    This app keeps Personalised track of questions completed in dsa preparation . Instead of using an Integrated Database we are using localstorage in form of cookies to hold and store data . All Questions are divided into categories and then used in providing the response on the home page .

  • LeDDGroup/typescript-transform-jsx

    Typescript transform jsx to string

  • laurenskling/keystone-with-react-engine

    KeystoneJS CMS with React Engine as rendering engine, so we can render backend .jsx templates

  • shoonia/jsx-dom-runtime

    A tiny in 500 bytes library to JSX syntax templates for DOM. Support HTML, SVG and MathML tags

  • aaimio/logicful-templates

    A wrapper over React's renderToStaticMarkup for building logicful HTML templates, using JSX, transform hooks, and a hint of magic.

  • jeffersonmourak/ribs

    Template Generator for React

  • Shubhamgulik/spotify-clone

  • aaimio/logicful-templates-example-js

    An example project demonstrating how to use the logicful-templates library when using JavaScript

  • aaimio/logicful-templates-example-ts

    An example project demonstrating how to use the logicful-templates library when using TypeScript

  • BoddepallyVenkatesh06/Dictionary-Webapp

    Dictionary Web App is a versatile tool for anyone needing to look up word definitions, synonyms, and example sentences.

  • BoddepallyVenkatesh06/Expense-Tracker

    Expense Tracker is the easiest and most user friendly expense manager Webapp in the store.

  • BoddepallyVenkatesh06/MEDIFY-Medical-Center-Slot-Booking-Platform

    💊 Medify is a medical Web app which deals and solves issues of both patients and doctors.

  • BoddepallyVenkatesh06/Portfolio-Template-2

    Browse our ReactJS responsive Portfolio templates below. You can easily customize any of our Portfolio website templates with Webflow's code-free design tools.

  • BoddepallyVenkatesh06/Portfolio-Template-3

    Browse our ReactJS responsive Portfolio templates below. You can easily customize any of our Portfolio website templates with Webflow's code-free design tools.

  • imgovindjee/AI-Box

    AI Box works like the blackbox.io, chatGPT, and other AI tools

  • kamireddym28/Ravenous

    Developed a yelp like web application to search for local businesses using React JS. Utilized Yelp API to curate a list based on the type of business or location. Search results can be filtered based on best match, highest rated or most reviewed businesses.

  • leo-alvarenga/bej

    A small and dead simple web app template based on an API Rest built using Bun and ElysiaJS that serves static pages with internalization without overhead.

  • Shubhamgulik/netflix-clone

  • yhdgms1/grim-jsx

    Compiling JSX to produce grim static templates

  • mirzobox/react-tutorials

    It is notes of React library. React is best of the best for me 😊

  • AdamsAlbarka/React_Web_Egator

    This is a react project with help of Youtube and Google

  • ajskateboarder/xpy

    JSX-like templating for Python (very broken, just a fun project)

  • azaz9026/Ouick_React_Docs_Mini_App

    🌐 Elevate your productivity with our new Docs Mini App, designed to streamline your document creation process! 🚀 🔗 Seamlessly integrated with your favorite platform, this Mini App provides a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and collaborating on documents. Whether you're drafting proposals, taking meeting notes, or working on team

  • charley81/uptownRecs

    Record store inventory app created with node, express, mondodb, and jsx

  • GopiPallekona/React-To-Do

    In this website users can can add their tasks and delete also

  • Katecr/dashboard-capture-the-flag

    Dashboard for user and mission management, created with react, and connected to a nodejs api.

  • krizz34/ARC

    An interactive and responsive frontend UI named ARC using ReactJS. Developed features including a responsive navbar, footer, hero section, and focused on enhancing the aesthetic appeal. The project emphasizes user experience and visual design.

  • krizz34/FilmiHub

    An immersive Movie Ticket Booking Platform blending Django's backend & React's frontend. Crafted seamless user experiences through intuitive features like authentication, real-time listings, and a sophisticated booking system and introduced innovative elements like auto-generated PDF tickets with embedded QR codes & streamlined confirmation emails.

  • maqeel019/ReactPortFolioTemplate

    ReactPortFolioTemplate is a sleek and customizable React portfolio template. Showcase your skills, projects, and experiences with a responsive design, dedicated sections, and a contact form. Build your professional online presence effortlessly. Visit the repository to get started.

  • resmit-dholariya/FullStackWebDev_Playground

    xplore the world of full-stack web development with FullStackWebDev_Playground! This repository serves as a comprehensive resource where I've documented my journey of learning various frontend, backend, and cloud technologies. From mastering HTML and CSS to building complex React applications, dive into a wide range of topics and projects here.

  • Simon-157/e-care_Phase2

  • sureshkamat/Taskmanager

    Task Manager is a full-stack web application designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently. It provides features for user authentication, task creation, updating, and deletion, as well as a user-friendly interface for easy task management. The application is built using Node.js, Express, React, and MongoDB, offering a seamless experience fo

  • tidkeashok007/JSX-Files-Sharing

    JSX Files Repository: A dedicated space for uploading and sharing JSX files, facilitating collaboration and learning among developers working with React and JSX syntax.

  • vishnu2044/E-learning-frontend

    Currently developing a React-based e-learning platform with distinct user phases: admin, mentor, and student. Admin panel is completed, focusing on refining the mentor interface. Implemented JWT authentication for security and utilized the Context API for seamless CRUD operations on the admin side.
