
There are 14 repositories under jwt-bearer-authentication topic.

  • Sirajuddin135/E-Commerce-Application

    The E-Commerce Application is built using Java and Spring Boot, with security, scalability, and ease of maintenance. The backend uses Spring Data JPA to interact with a MySQL database, making it easy to manage and store important entities such as categories, products, orders, etc. Authentication is handled by Auth0, to provide secure REST API.

  • Arthur-Neto/template-website-microservices

    Template Frontend using Angular and Backend using .NET

  • cocart-headless/cocart-jwt-authentication

    This free add-on for CoCart allows you to authenticate via a simple JWT Token.

  • SpringJWT


    SpringJWT is a simple project designed to help users understand JWT implementation with Spring Security, including the use of bearer tokens for secure authentication.

  • Tzesh/SpringBootTemplate

    Spring Boot Template for RESTful API that uses JWT for authentication and authorization, PostgreSQL for database, Hibernate for ORM, and Lombok for boilerplate code generation and MapStruct for mapping DTOs to entities and vice versa

  • BetulTugce/MultiShop

    I am currently building this project using ASP.NET Core.

  • emirbuckun/LibraryApi

    A library management web api with controllers for classes such as books, authors, book types, libraries, publishers, students with authentication and authorization processes.

  • eyupgevenim/blog-api

    .Net Core 3.1 Web Api design versioning, Jwt bearer authentication, swagger documentation, serilog logger, EF Core Repository pattern, Db Migration, docker, xUnit Tests, dependency injection and project layers

  • renebentes/3001

    Curso 3001 - Segurança em APIs ASP.NET com JWT e Bearer Authentication - balta.io

  • Sirajuddin135/Event-Scheduler-Application

    The Event Scheduler App built using Spring Boot 3.0 that provides RESTful APIs which can be easily integrated into any application for scheduling and managing events. It features a secure API that utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to ensure that only authorized users can access the data.

  • Yarins2000/TalkBack-Backend

    The server side of TalkBack project. Using Asp.Net core 6, EF core, Identity library and SignalR

  • StepanRomashkov/DotsApi

    REST API for a future mobile app about time management. Made for fun and learn. Test it live at https://dotsapi2021.azurewebsites.net

  • fanoframework/fano-jwt

    Example project that demonstrates how to sign and verify JWT with Fano Framework

  • sammyjankins/e_commerce_API

    FastAPI e-commerce backend
