
There are 141 repositories under jyputer-notebook topic.

  • RWaltersMA/mongo-spark-jupyter

    Docker environment that spins up MongoDB replica set, Spark, and Jupyter Lab. Example code uses PySpark and the MongoDB Spark Connector.

  • build-on-aws/building-gen-ai-agent-on-aws

    Building an AWS Solution Architect Agent with Generative AI

    Language:Jupyter Notebook395513
  • qwertyforce/image_search

    Algorithms for similar image search/reverse image search

    Language:Jupyter Notebook36304
  • new-atlantis-labs/Living-Oceans

    🌊 Robust workflows for gathering data about your local ocean.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15401
  • NikiforovAll/elasticsearch-dotnet-playground

    This playground is a collection of notebooks that demonstrate how to use Elasticsearch.NET and NEST clients.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14112
  • ROHAN0011/Salary-Prediction-System


    Language:Jupyter Notebook9306
  • iSemary/ai-trading-bot

    Ai Trading Bot for prediction of the EUR/USD pair changes in the FOREX market.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • KKopilka/AI-FinessTrainer

    AI-FitnessTrainer using YOLOv8-pose

  • akash1188/Predictive-Analysis-ML

    Explore ML mini-projects with Jupyter notebooks. Discover predictive analysis for commercial sales, leveraging regression models such as linear regression, decision trees, random forests, lasso, ridge, and extra-trees regressor.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • Floofy-psk/Counting-People-in-a-Crowd

    This project employs YOLOv2/YOLOv3, TensorFlow and DarkFlow for crowd people counting from images, videos, or live streams, with applications in disaster recovery planning and crowd management, providing real-time count estimates.

  • KhushiBhadange/Analytic-Projects-In-Python

    In this repository, immerse yourself in a rich collection of diverse analytical projects that span a spectrum of data-driven investigations. From exploratory data analysis to predictive modeling, each project within offers unique insights and methodologies.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • AhmedHosny2024/Image-Processing-Labs

    ✨ Solution of image processing course labs. They handle many related topics to image processing like smoothing , classification ...etc

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2102
  • Devadeut/MDF-SIR-Model

    This application simulates and visualizes the SIR model for infectious disease spread.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • Divyanshigarg/Movie-Recommender-System

    It's a Python based Movie Recommendation System, which recommends movies to the users based on the similarity to previously watched movies.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • KhushiBhadange/Regression-Model-Flight-Dataset

    Explore predictive modeling with this repository, featuring regression-based models applied to a comprehensive dataset on flight delays and cancellations. Gain insights into factors influencing air travel disruptions and leverage regression techniques to enhance predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • olesyamba/Risk_analysis

    Repository represents python usability of measuring and managing risks (practice tasks and real cases)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • shivanidotcom/Salary-Prediction

    Information Used To Predict Salaries Years Experience

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • faceMaskDetection


    real time face mask detector using OpenCV, Tensorflow & ..

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • 2HR3Y/Text-Summarization-Using-NLP

    "Text Summarization Using NLP" is a Python repo employing spaCy for concise text summaries. Explore extractive techniques, follow a simple setup, and dive into effective NLP-based summarization.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Akash-Chowdhury/Dsa-with-Python

    📚 A repository that contains all the Data Structures and Algorithms concepts and solutions to various problems in python stored in a structured manner.😊🏆

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Andrew2077/Human-activity-recognition

    Machine learning models that predict human activity upon receiving sensors readings

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Aytaditya/Generative_AI

    Repository for google skillboost generative Ai course lab classes assignments

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • Cvtx/decision-makers

    Criteria for decision-making in games against nature under uncertainty in form of Jupyter Notebook. Supports Wald's, Savage, Hurwicz, Hodges–Lehmann, Laplace, Maximum Expected Utility, Minimum Expected Regret criteria.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1103
  • davidevol/Analise-Financeira-Colab

    Estudo desenvolvido no ambiente google colaboratory focando em bibliotecas de analise financeira.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Diksha-Bisht/Pollution_Analysis

    This is a beginner-level Data Science project carried out in the MCA I Semester, as a Data Visualization Project on topic Pollution Analysis in Indian States and Global Cities.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • fuodorov/astra-utils

    Utils for the ASTRA program

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • gerardodavidlopezcastillo/SimulateDataStreamingIPYNB_Public

    Python code is shared that simulates random events in two scenarios: Technology E-commerce and Megastore in their mobile app. This is done to generate large-scale data that can be processed using Data Engineering tools.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Python-Project



    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • MayankThuwal/Linear-Regression-Projects

    In this project "USA_Housing" data set is used for implementing Linear Regression .Its a Random AI generated data set for Practice only. EDA, Linear Regression Model ,Train Test Split ,Training ,Evaluation ,Prediction.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • MrfoxAK/Artificial-Intelligence

    This is All About AI & ML

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • prashanth233/Machine_Learning

    Worked on recommendation model/models for a Music Platform using collaborative filtering method. Solved Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • priyanshusingh302/CPT-predictor

    Prediction of CPT of coal sample using Random Forest regressor

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • soubhikmandal2000/Introduction-to-Data-Science-in-Python-Coursera

    A collection of my assignments from the Introduction to data science course which I completed in Coursera.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • TheVishwakarma/Credit-card-Fraud-detection-ML-Project

    Credit card fraud detection: This ML project covers all aspects of credit card fraud detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Jagadeesh7400/Jupyter_Analysis

    Created a report using puthon based on the cricket datasets.

  • kanishkadesai99/Flight-Ticket-Price-Predict

    Nowadays, the number of people using flights has increased significantly. It is difficult for airlines to maintain prices due to complexity of the algorithm to calculate flight prices under various conditions. That’s why we will try to use machine learning to solve this problem. This can help airlines by predicting what prices they can maintain.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook