
There are 171 repositories under jypyternotebook topic.

  • Kushal997-das/Project-Guidance

    :octocat:🌟 The Ultimate resources for beginner to advanced level projects all in one place 💻 🎯🚀

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4667627329
  • cherry247/OCR-bill-detection

    OCR bill detection is a python program that can detect the type of your household bills. for example, if you have samples of electricity bills, movie bills, or grocery bills, this python program detects the bill's category and stores the data in the bill into a file. Further Data visualization is done to monitor your monthly expense so that you can save wisely and track your spending.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook411020
  • anxety-solo/sd-webui-notebook

    Stable-Diffusion-WebUI - NoteBook | Colab (Pro/Free), Kaggle.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook32443
  • MaharshSuryawala/Face-Detection-and-Facial-Expression-Recognition

    A systematic comparison of different machine learning & deep learning classification approaches applied to the problem of fully automatic recognition of Facial Expressions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook29317
  • broepke/UCSanDiegoX

    Data Science MicroMasters Program from UC San Diego on edX

    Language:Jupyter Notebook184023
  • akhi07rx/File-Uploader-for-Google-Drive

    Streamline file uploads to Google Drive with ease. Experience real-time progress tracking while preserving file names.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8313
  • HariSankarNayak/iNeuron-Notes

    iNeuron-Notes classes

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8101
  • RohitLearner/MIT-Intro-to-Deep-Learning

    MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning Labs from Zero to Hero.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8203
  • thatzme-akbar/Machine-Learning-Based-Product-Prediction-System-for-Drop-shippers-

    Dropship Project: ML-driven tool utilizing Random Forest classification to predict dropshipping suitability. Analyzes product parameters, empowering businesses with data-driven insights for efficient and profitable e-commerce decisions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8300
  • Jaydeep9596/Loan-Status-Prediction

    In this Notebook , We are going to solve the Loan Approval Prediction.This is a Classification problem in which we need to classify whether the loan will be approved or not.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6004
  • Shakib-IO/DockerDjangoReactML

    With the Django REST system, we can construct a simple machine learning application that forecasts the species of a sample flower based on measurements of its characteristics i.e. the dimensions of the sepal and petal, length, and width. Here we'd use the same Django application and make some adjustments as appropriate. We will use Postgres as our database for this development since Postgres is best suited for building production. Django comes bundled with a fantastic dashboard from the admin. We can register users for our application with the admin dashboard, which can then communicate with our machine learning application to make predictions. This will then serve the function of our backend and admin duties for our Django application.

  • akhi07rx/Frames

    media frames

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • Sabyasachi-Seal/Summer-Olympics-Data-Analysis

    Analyzing 2020 Summer Olympic Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook510
  • shtanriverdi/Clustering-Project-of-Amyotrophic-Lateral-Sclerosis-ALS-

    In this project, we will work with historical data about a disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by using Clustering Methods.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5300
  • BasmaElhoseny01/Grades-Auto-Filler

    Image Processing Grades Auto filler with 2 models Graded Sheet Model & Bubble Sheet Model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4103
  • cherry247/Data-Science

    This repository containss all the data science project that I have worked on. These implementations are in python (jyputer notebooks )

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • imSanko/Image_Caption_Generator_With_Transformers

    This repository contains code for generating captions for images using a Transformer-based model. The model used is the `VisionEncoderDecoderModel` from the Hugging Face Transformers library, specifically the `nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning` model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4141
  • Ani0202/Speech-Translation-with-Python

    Translate your speech to many languages using Google Translate API

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2103
  • Comdisde/pokemon_type_detector

    Pokemon Type Detector is a pre-trained deep learning model which can detect the type of pokemon image. The model is a variant of the VGG16 with the imagenet weights. It can be used from the .py file or execute the django project to use web version.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • ImGabreuw/imersao-dados-3

    Projetos desenvolvidos durante a Imersão Dados da Alura.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook220
  • jeffvestal/elastic_jupyter_notebooks

    Demo Jupyter Notebooks for interacting with Elasticsearch

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2211
  • kziovas/msc-thesis-project-informatics

    My Thesis project for my conversion MSc course in Informatics at Uni. of Piraeus. Project is done in Python. Aim is to develop and test a MLP NN and a Support vector machine to identify the sphere size distribution of materials based on 1D NMRI k-space data. Simulated data are used in this project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • meghnakrishnann/NLP_Amazon_Data_Preparation_prediction_deploy

    NLP based Amazon Data Prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • nimitsolanki/Cricket-World-Cup-2019

    Cricket World Cup 2019 Winner Prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • slastionov/Skillbox

    Several solved problems at Skillbox on Data Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • Vaishakgkumar/AI-DxMH-Artificial-Intelligence-Diagnosis-for-Modern-Health

    AI-DxMH is an AI-powered health assistant that provides accessible medical diagnoses for people in remote areas of India. It uses a large language model (LLM), natural language processing, and machine learning to ask users questions about their symptoms and provide likely diagnoses and health advice.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • amatutuwaa/pandas-challenge

    This Pandas Project analyzes district-wide standardized test results using the data of student's math and reading scores, as well as various information on the schools they attend. The overarching task is to aggregate the data and showcase obvious trends to aid in the boards strategic decision making

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • cirizzil/SignLanguageDetectionCNN

    This project involves creating a real-time sign language detection system using CNNs to translate sign language gestures into text. It aims to improve communication accessibility for the hearing-impaired by accurately recognizing and displaying sign language gestures from live video input in real-time.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • DeepakRanaMagar/NepaliSentimentAnalysisModel

    Nepali Text Sentiment Analysis Model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • elifbeyzatok00/BERT-News-Classification-Project

    NLP (Natural Language Processing) and LLM (Large Language Model) project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • CareerGuru


    Career Guru is a web application designed to assist students in the field of Computer Science (CS ) in selecting their career paths.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Place4you/Driver-Drowsiness-Detection-System

    "Driver Drowsiness Detection System", this system consists of a window application. We trained our CNN model over Google Cloud.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • rohansikder/DeutschsAlgorithm

    This repository provides a comprehensive exploration of Deutsch’s Algorithm within the realm of quantum computing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • rutujapohare24/Database-Application-DBSmart

    Database management System for a Supermarket

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • singhsourav0/EDA_ML

    this repository dives into the world of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using Python. Discover hidden patterns, understand data distributions, and prepare for further analysis and machine learning tasks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100