
There are 92 repositories under k-nn topic.

  • zotroneneis/machine_learning_basics

    Plain python implementations of basic machine learning algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4.2k16410826
  • sisinflab/elliot

    Comprehensive and Rigorous Framework for Reproducible Recommender Systems Evaluation

  • vioshyvo/mrpt

    Fast and lightweight header-only C++ library (with Python bindings) for approximate nearest neighbor search

  • yell/mnist-challenge

    My solution to TUM's Machine Learning MNIST challenge 2016-2017 [winner]

    Language:Jupyter Notebook702114
  • Nikronic/Machine-Learning-Models

    In This repository I made some simple to complex methods in machine learning. Here I try to build template style code.

  • anishsingh20/Statistical-Learning-using-R

    This is a Statistical Learning application which will consist of various Machine Learning algorithms and their implementation in R done by me and their in depth interpretation.Documents and reports related to the below mentioned techniques can be found on my Rpubs profile.

  • pragmaticpython/k-nearest-neighbors-python

    An implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm from scratch using the Python programming language.

  • Aysenuryilmazz/Driver_Drowsiness_Detection

    Driver drowsiness is one of the causes of traffic accidents. According to the statistics; highway road crashes hold 11.09% of the total number of accidents. There are several reasons of drowsy driving such as: a lack of quality of sleep, may be overnight driving or having sleep disorders e.g. sleep apnea. However; all people should know that: People can not fight against to sleep. Using Image Processing and both classical and new-brand Machine Learning techniques, we are trying to know beforehand the driver's drowsiness and warning him/her with an alert before any crash happened.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8116
  • bagheri365/ML-Models-for-Classification

    Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms for Binary/Multiclass Classification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7101
  • mecyc/TFG_RADAR_60GHZ

    TFG realizado en la Universidad de Burgos del desarrollo de una aplicación para el uso de un Radar de 60 GHz de la marca Acconeer.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook73463
  • meowoodie/Dr.k-NN

    A robust classifier for few-training-data problem based on a distributionally robust optimization framework

  • PetropoulakisPanagiotis/nearest-neighbor-search

    Nearest neighbor search. Methods: LSH, hypercube, and exhaustive search. C++

  • wagner-group/geoadex

    GeoAdEx: A geometric approach for finding minimum-norm adversarial examples on k-NN classifiers

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5200
  • avnCode/Deep-Learning

    PyTorch implementation of following: Transfer Learning, Feature Extraction from deep network, k-NN

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • danaluz/AIAlgorithms

    Diverse algorithms related to Machine Learning

  • EtienneLardeur/Streamlit_App

    Web interactive streamlit dashboard for credit scoring interpretation

  • GinoAvanzini/fruit-sorter

    A basic fruit sorter using k-means and k-nn.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • ahujaya/Classification-Model-for-Airbnb-AI-RapidMiner

    Gained insights into the New York City Airbnb rental properties and concluded the neighbourhoods with most attractive Airbnb rentals and the type of rental properties with most reviews. Furthermore, concluded the economic viability of the rentals with missing reviews through machine learning models such as k-NN, decision tree and gradient boosted tree (GBT) classifiers implemented via data science platform RapidMiner.

  • ankhanhquach/Universal_Banking_Loan_Prediction_kNN

    This machine learning initiative seeks to leverage the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) classification algorithm to predict whether a Universal Bank will accept a personal loan offer.

  • farahsamat/classic-machine-learning

    Using classic machine learning models - K-NN, Multiclass Logistic Regression, SVM and Random Forest to make predictions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • gonzafernan/fruit-classifier

    Clasificador de imagenes de bananas, naranjas y limones por medio de algoritmos de aprendizaje K-nn y K-means. Procesado de imágenes con SciKit y OpenCV.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2202
  • vt2211/Voice-Controlled-Car

    Built a voice-controlled car from scratch incorporating machine learning methods such as the Euclidean Classifier and k-NN Classifier, open and closed loop feedback control systems, principal component analysis, regression analysis, and transient analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • alirezarahimi1393/Classical-Learning

    Welcome to my Classical Learning Projects repository, where I showcase my work in the fields of supervised and unsupervised learning. Here, you'll find code and datasets for various projects, such as classification and clustering tasks, implemented using popular algorithms like decision trees, neural networks, and k-means.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • anishchapagain/DataScience

    Data Science, Algorithms, Notes, Learn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • KNN-Algorithm


    KNN Is A Machine Learning Algorithm For Pattern Recognition That Finds The Nearest K Observations To Predict A Target.

  • BrenoFariasdaSilva/Simpsons-Family-Recognizer

    Simpsons Members Recognizer Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm.

  • bunji2/knn

    Sample of k-NN (K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm) by GoLang

  • Eyal-Bahar/Learning-ML-projects

    Machine Learning tasks and mini projects based on my learning in a Datascience bootcamp in Udemy

  • stock_data_knn


    KNN을 이용한 주가 데이터 분류

  • matankleiner/Identify-Known-Sites-in-Photo-Album

    Classify known sites from around the world, given challenging and very big data set. This project is based on a kaggle competition.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • Mikel-UA/BigData_Analysis_BreastCancer

    BigData Analysis - Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset (R, PCA, Machine Learning, ggplot2, dplyr): Exploring Kaggle's 'Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original)' dataset. Objective: Develop a classification algorithm for benign/malignant tumor detection using PCA for dimensionality reduction and k-NN for classification. Achieved over 95% data retention.

  • mikhail-kukuyev/ML-Course

    Solved tasks of "Machine Learning" course, contains implementations of main machine learning algorithms.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1102
  • Sabaudian/Music_Genre_Classification_project

    Audio Pattern Recognition project - Music Genres Classification

  • ssamkough/mlad-research

    I am partaking in research with my professor Dr. Boxiang Dong at Montclair State University in using deep learning techniques for anomaly detection. This project is to help with that research, specifically in implementing Machine Learning classifiers and more.

  • SubhashreeBarik/Breast-Cancer_Machine-Learning

    Machine Learning : Applied KNN on Breast Cancer data to find the result

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • SummerSnowWinterCat/CAPTCHA_Identify

    a machine learning training project
