
There are 3 repositories under kannada-digit topic.

  • shettysach/Kannada-Handwriting-Calculator

    A calculator that uses handwritten Kannada digits and operators to calculate the result, using contour detection and CNN model predictions. Made using PyTorch, OpenCV, PIL and CustomTkinter.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • shettysach/Kannada-Digit-Recognizer-v1

    Using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to identify the Kannada numerical digits. Tensorflow (Keras) is used to create, train and load the neural network model. CustomTKinter/TKinter are used to provide the GUI and OpenCV is used to read input form the GUI.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • ShreevathsaGP/KannadaDigitRecognizer

    Simple feedforward NN for Kannada Digits.
