
There are 7 repositories under kernel-hardening topic.

  • Certified-Kubernetes-Security-Specialist


    Curated resources help you prepare for the CNCF/Linux Foundation CKS 2021 "Kubernetes Certified Security Specialist" Certification exam. Please provide feedback or requests by raising issues, or making a pull request. All feedback for improvements are welcome. thank you.

    Language:AGS Script2k9210539
  • Kicksecure/security-misc

    Kernel Hardening; Protect Linux User Accounts against Brute Force Attacks; Improve Entropy Collection; Strong Linux User Account Separation; Enhances Misc Security Settings -


    The very, (VERY) - Best, extremely well informing & detailed Github Users & Githbu Pages |!NOTE!| THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION! It's also made only for myself, soo.. But feel free to contribute! |!NOTE!|

  • cdpxe/KSPIDS

    A kernel-based IDS for Linux. KSPIDS monitors especially system calls.

  • d4rklynk/PYFO

    PYFO (Put Your Fedora On) is a post-install script for upstream version of fedora

  • monsieuremre/chainmail

    Harden your Debian GNU/Linux workstation with various settings, configurations and packages

  • RajasJoshi/meta-secureos

    This Yocto meta-layer is dedicated to building a hardened and secure operating system for the Raspberry Pi 4, leveraging kernel hardening techniques, SELinux enforcement, and much more
