
There are 6 repositories under kibi topic.

  • sentinl/sentinl

    Kibana Alert & Report App for Elasticsearch

  • sirensolutions/kibi

    PLEASE READ: Kibi is now "Siren Investigate", part of the Siren Platform. This code repository is only provided to facilitate code review and integration by Siren customers and cannot be successfully compiled. The code also requires Siren Federate to be installed in Elasticsearch.

  • QXIP/rancher-catalog

    QXIP Rancher Template Catalog

  • QXIP/docker-kibi-steroids

    Kibi 5.x + Elasticsearch 5.x + Sentinl 5.x + ReadOnlyRest 5.x

  • slashdotted/kibi

    A text editor written in Rust with collaboration features (using Melda)

  • fbelleau/bio2rdf2jsonld

    Node-red workflows to transform Bioinformatic databases into JSON-LD so they can be exploited with ES/Kibana