
There are 592 repositories under knn-algorithm topic.

  • Machine-Learning-Algorithms-

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • StockMarketML

    This repository contains our project on Stock Market Price prediction Using Historical Data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7
  • Knn-Algorithm

    This is the simple KNN Algorithm using PHP and you can use csv file as dataset

  • Fruit_prediction

    Fruit Count prediction using its shape and size using Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7
  • Classification

    Machine learning library for classification tasks

  • knn-java-library

    Just a simple implementation of K-Nearest Neighbour algorithm.

  • AI-Nexus

    AI Nexus 🌟 is a streamlined suite of AI-powered apps built with Streamlit. It features 👗 StyleScan for fashion classification, 🩺 GlycoTrack for diabetes prediction, 🔢 DigitSense for digit recognition, 🌸 IrisWise for iris species identification, 🎯 ObjexVision for object recognition, and 🎓 GradeCast for GPA prediction with detailed insights.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • mmr_stock

    Final project of Web Technologies course. Electronic components stock manager for MMR Driverless Team.

  • Personalized-travel-planning-system

    "Personalized Travel Planning System," uses a graphical user interface (GUI) to help users plan personalized travel experiences. It recommends tourist destinations based on user preferences and provides information about nearby places.

  • Image-Stitching-OpenCV

    Panorama Image Stitching from scratch using openCV 🖼️ 🪡

  • titanic-kaggle

    Titanic rescue prediction using Decision Tree, SVM, Logistic Regression, Random Forest and KNN. The best accuracy score was from Random Forest: 84.35%

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • Machine_Learning_basics

    This is repository about the MachineLaering Basics including all the Machine learning Algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • ML-letter-recognition

    Applying Machine Learning techniques to identify randomly distorted capital letters in the English alphabet.

  • kNNExample

    Implementation of k-Nearest Neighbours algorithm for use on geometric morphometric data and a simulated dataset.

  • Diabetes-Prediction

    This repository contains code archives for Diabetes Prediction with Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • Machine-Learning-Models

    A repository consisting of machine learning models for predicting the future instance. More specifically this repository is a Machine Learning course for those who are interested in learning the basics of machine learning algorithms.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • 100-Days-of-Machine-Learning

    "100-days-of-machine-learning" is a repository containing a comprehensive guide to Machine Learning, covering the basics and advanced topics, with daily exercises and real-world examples for 100 days.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • search-engine

    create the search engine to retrieve the text documents. (the information retrieval course project)

  • Ocean-Plastic-Analysis

    Helps in the analysis of plastics found in water bodies to track their uses to control water pollution

  • smarter-launcher

    An Android launcher which understands your usage patterns and updates the Home screen with a list of apps which are most likely to be used by you next.

  • keystrokeDynamics2FA

    ⌨️🔒 2FA (Two-factor Authentication) alternative using Keystroke Dynamics

  • Movie-Recommendation

    Recommedation of movies to a user based on user rating data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • KNN-Based-Telegram-Chatbot-hosted-in-ESP32

    A lightweight, customizable chatbot for Telegram running on an ESP32 microcontroller. It's optimized for low-resource environments and embedded systems projects.

  • knnsotas

    This repository contains implementations of multiple KNN-based (Adaptive kNN and Graph-based kNN) SOTA algorithms.

  • LaptopPricePredictionProject

    Laptop Price Prediction with Regression Analysis and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • Rank-estimation


    In this program, I used the KNN model to estimate Iranian universities' entrance exam (konkur) rank, and I also developed a telegram bot so users could use it.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • Loan-Prediction

    Loan Prediction using Classification Techniques

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • Introduction-to-Machine-Learning

    Sharing both theoretical and programing ideas, that I came across at Introduction to Machine Learning course. notes, homework solution and python assignment

  • IshiVision


    Computer Vision Based System to read the numbers in an Ishihara Plate test

  • heart-disease-detection

    Heart disease detection using different classifiers and neural network with feature engineering.

  • Machine-learning-from-scratch

    Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms (KNN, Linear, Logistic, SVM, K-Means, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes) from Scratch using Python & Numpy only

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • RG_captcha_recognization

    Captcha Recognition Based on KNN. Implemented in Python to extract and recognize the digital text of captcha images.(This repo has not been cleaned up yet, may contain some redundant discarded files)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • Dataware-House-Data-Mining-Experimental-Guide-Source-Codes-GuideBook

    The aim of this repository to guide the new students who wants to learn how basic algorithms of data mining (Apriori, Kmeans and KNN etc) are implemented

  • Data-Science-Machine-Learning-Portfolio

    Portfolio Projects through my Data Science and Machine Learning Course program.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4
  • Recommer-System

    A recommender system to recommend movies, books or shopping items list based on search.
