There are 99 repositories under knn-model topic.
An implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm from scratch using the Python programming language.
Unsupervised anomaly detection in vibration signal using PyCaret vs BiLSTM
In this program, I used the KNN model to estimate Iranian universities' entrance exam (konkur) rank, and I also developed a telegram bot so users could use it.
Yoga Pose Detection and classification using deep learning
A recommender system to recommend movies, books or shopping items list based on search.
Problems Identification: This project involves the implementation of efficient and effective KNN classifiers on MNIST data set. The MNIST data comprises of digital images of several digits ranging from 0 to 9. Each image is 28 x 28 pixels. Thus, the data set has 10 levels of classes.
Analyzing the wisconsin breast cancer dataset using ml algorithms
The task is to build a machine learning regression model will predict the number of absent hours. As Employee absenteeism is a major problem faced by every employer which eventually lead to the backlogs, piling of the work, delay in deploying the project and can have a major effect on company finances. The aim of this project is to find an issue which eventually leads toward the absence of an employee and provide a proper solution to reduce the absenteeism
Personalized book recommendation system for a user.Similar to Goodreads.
Stock market analsis with python tools
B.Tech final year project (Research Project)
A Python based project to train a Machine Learning model to detect different hand shapes in real time with multi-threading, using Computer Vision, to control the PC.
Book recommender api written in flask framework
This project uses the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm to classify Iris flowers based on their sepal and petal measurements. The dataset used in this project is the Iris Dataset, which includes 150 samples of Iris flowers, each with four features: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width.
Loss J's statistical machine learning course. 🚀
Exploring Recommender Systems using various Machine Learning Models like scikit-learn, Surprise, NLP and collaborative filtering using KNN and Tensorflow.
This consists of various machine learning algorithms like Linear regression, logistic regression, SVM, Decision tree, kNN etc. This will provide you basic knowledge of Machine learning algorithms using python. You'll learn PyTorch, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, and various libraries.
For this project, we'll be using a non-parametric classification method, k-nearest neighbors algorithm, to compress images.
Performed Clustering Analysis using SAS v9.4 on Power Usage & Consumer Goods Data to draw insights about the dataset.
KNN Is A Machine Learning Algorithm For Pattern Recognition That Finds The Nearest K Observations To Predict A Target.
The goal of this report is: -predicting a transformation of the player `Position` variable, -predicting player's market `Value` by predictive machine learning modeling in R with "tidymodels" package.
We investigated the performance of the K Nearest neighbours and the Decision Tree machine learning models. We compared them based on their classification accuracy on the UCI Hepatitis and Diabetic Retinopathy datasets.
We investigated the performance of the Logistic and Multiclass Regression models and compared their accuracies to KNN. We compared Logistic Regression and KNN based on the "IMdB reviews" dataset, while Multiclass Regression and KNN were compared based on the "20 news groups" dataset.
Program to check spam chat with KNN Models
A Machine Learning project on Identifying Abnormal driving behavior using Spatio-Temporal analysis
A Streamlit application which provides analysis of different datasets using SVM, KNN and Random Forest algorithms.
This project implements the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm for classification purposes. KNN is a simple and effective algorithm for classifying data points based on their similarity to other data points in a given dataset.
Métodos para extração de outliers
KNN Classifire by using Python and Jupyter NoteBooks
The dataset is about past loans. The loan_train.csv data set includes details of 346 customers whose loans are already paid off or defaulted.
Making cancer classification with knn module (Kaggle Expression)
It's an app which takes in voice input of food and amount, Outputs the number of macronutrients and recommends food for a balanced diet.
Welcome to this repository! Here we loaded the iris_dataset , upon training, testing and perform operations on it resulted in beautiful data visualizations along with accuracy metrics. Data Visualization and accuracy metrics are provided for some of the models that are used.
Image processing with python and Machine learning. This is about analyzing Ayurveda plants and detection through uploading an image of plant leaves or flowers.
K Nearest Neighbours in Python