
There are 14 repositories under kolkata topic.

  • Pujo-Atlas-Kolkata/PujoAtlasKol-Web

    The most advanced pandal hopping experience*

  • 5310/discord-bot-castform

    A Discord bot that forecasts weather for Pokémon GO

  • bongdevhq/profile-showcase

    This repository is designed for beginners who want to make their first open-source contribution during Hacktoberfest 2023 from West Bengal

  • Pujo-Atlas-Kolkata/PujoAtlasKol-Backend

    Backend for Pujo Atlas

  • PujoAtlasKol-App


    Flutter App for Pujo Atlas

  • bongdevhq/MarkItDownGuide

    A comprehensive guide to mastering Markdown. Open to contributions and updates.Contribute, learn, and share. Let's make documentation beautiful together!

  • bongdevhq/.github

    We are a mix of experienced developers, enthusiastic students, and tech aficionados. Our diversity is our strength, and it reflects the rich tapestry of West Bengal’s tech landscape. Whether you’re from Kolkata’s bustling tech hubs or the serene campuses of Siliguri, you’ll find a home here.

  • Zomato-Kolkata-EDA


    The Zomato dataset (Kolkata) contains 7388 rows and 7 columns. The repository is an EDA(exploratory data analysis) on the given Dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • Subhojit1992/iamsubhojit

    I am Subhojit the Front End Developer from Kolkata, India. I like any new technology that related with the Front End Developer.

  • KolkataCare


    Kolkata based Social Service NGO Website

  • bongdevhq/bongdevhq.github.io

    Located in the heart of West Bengal, we are a vibrant community of passionate developers and budding student developers. Our mission? To empower every coder in our region, from seasoned professionals to those just starting their journey.

  • devankitkiit/iblogger

    This is a Blog WebSites of Bihar, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Chennai , Popular foods in India and pilglims site of indias

  • sarowarahmed/Predicting-Kolkata-House-Price

    🏠 Predicting Kolkata House Price: A web app powered by a Machine Learning model, built with Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Streamlit, to predict house prices in Kolkata. Deployed on Streamlit Cloud for easy access and real-time predictions.

  • saubhik/eBEVCO-alert

    Alert for Government of West Bengal's online liquor delivery service eBEVCO
