
There are 8 repositories under laboratory-management-system topic.

  • hasibul442/Laboratory-Management

    Laboratory Management System is a web application that helps to manage the laboratory. You can manage the laboratory by adding, deleting, updating and viewing the laboratory information. You Can Also Call it as Diagnostic Management System. This web application is developed by using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, Laravel, Datatable, Relational Database etc.

  • 0Hughman0/Cassini

    Turn Jupyter Lab with Python into an electronic lab notebook (ELN)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook143280
  • openthc/lab


  • SimpleELN-Team/SimpleELN-Team

    An electronic lab notebook (ELN software) designed to facilitate the secure and efficient organization, storage, search, and sharing of scientific data and research notes.

  • jibrel/Awesome-Open-Source-lab-Systems

    a list of open source lab systems

  • SimpleELN-Team/SimpleELN-Personal

    An electronic lab notebook (ELN software) designed to facilitate the secure and efficient organization, storage, search, and sharing of scientific data and research notes.

  • DineshNeupane/labmgmtsys

    SQLite Based laboratory management system written in Java.

  • SimpleELN-Team/SimpleELN-MultiTeam

    An electronic lab notebook (ELN software) designed to facilitate the secure and efficient organization, storage, search, and sharing of scientific data and research notes.
