There are 11 repositories under landingpagedesign topic.
Website Landing Page and product interaction page.
Este repositório possui o projeto de uma landing page desenvolvida apenas com html e css , tarefa prática do Curso Profissão : Engenheiro de Front-End da EBAC.
we will design a landing page, for its structure we used the "flex-box" concept. Apart from this, we also put some animations on this landing page. To add animations, we used JavaScript libraries like gsap, lettering.js, jquery, textillate.js, and animation.css. This video will give you enough information about how to design a landing page with the proper structuring of each element.
Esta é uma landing page, para um website de streaming de músicas, por favor verifique ele no link abaixo
Landing Screen Webpage design using HTML & CSS
Uma LandingPage para uma empresa (fictícia) de arquitetura, essa LandingPage é um exercício com o propósito de exercitar meus conhecimentos em HTML e CSS
This project serves as a valuable learning tool for individuals new to web development, as it demonstrates how to create a web page using only HTML and CSS. By examining the code and resources provided, beginners can gain insights into structuring and styling a basic web page.
Creating a nature-themed landing page using HTML and CSS involves structuring the content and applying styles to achieve the desired look and feel.