
There are 16 repositories under landuse-change topic.

  • HPSCIL/Mixed_Cell_Cellullar_Automata

    The Mixed-Cell Cellullar Automata (MCCA) provides a new approach to enable more dynamic mixed landuse modeling to move away from the analysis of static patterns. One of the biggest advantages of mixed-cell CA models is the capability of simulating the quantitative and continuous changes of multiple landuse components inside cells.

  • EO-Climate-Hazard-Analysis-App


    A Google Earth Engine API (interactive dashboard) for satellite-based global climate hazard analysis (urban heat, landcover changes, etc). Project under World Bank Group. ⬇️ ⬇️

  • efluet/wetloss

    R scripts mapping global wetland loss (1700-2000)

  • alexrigby/LUCST

    An interface for managing SWATPlus input and output files to aid in implementing, and visualizing the impact of land use changes on catchment hydrology in the SWATPlus model

  • hariomahlawat/An-open-dataset-for-landuse-classification-in-India-for-Sentinel-2

    We provide a pixel level training dataset for landuse classification (four categories - Green, Water, Barren land and Built up Areas) using google earth engine for India. All associated scripts are also provided.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12102
  • VLucet/landchange-connectivity-monteregie

    Valentin Lucet // Msc Thesis // 2018-2020

  • rojaff/AmazonDeforestation

    Data and R scripts accompanying the paper "Forecasting deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon to prioritize conservation efforts"

  • ascidian-ai/DEA_MultiSpectralImageTools

    Tools for extracting and preparing Digital Earth Australia Satellite Multi-Spectral Images for use in Deep Learning Machine models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • chriscra/biodiversity_index_variation

    This repository houses scripts to accompany Crawford et al. 2021 (Ecological Applications), in which we apply a range of biodiversity indices to an agricultural land-use prioritization model, using Zambia as a case study to investigate how variation in how biodiversity is represented affects the results of land-use prioritization analyses.

  • CRAFTY-ABM/CRAFTY_Documentation

    The elaborated documentation imported from the previous Confluence wiki (

  • IndiaSat


    An open dataset for pixel level classification of Landsat 7 and Landsat Imagery. The repo contains the code for classification as well as the error correction methods on top of it.

  • valentinitnelav/code4green-bio06

    Code and data used during the hackathon Code4Green by the team team_cli07_landscapeoptimizer

  • annapede/MapBiomas-Brazil-30m-resolution-land-use-data

    In this repository I process, agregate and do estimates with MapBiomas land use transition data (30 meter resolution).

  • daudi2010/landuse_Change_Prediction

    A R script that runs Boosted Regression Trees(BRT) on epochs of land use datasets with random points to model land use changes and predict and determine the main drivers of change

  • NASCENT-Peru/NASCENT-Peru-models

    Code repository for project modelling scenarios of future Land Use Land Cover Change, Ecosystem services and Biodiversity in Peru

  • muzzy22/Madeira

    App Deployed by Mu'azu Gital with content credit to Ramadhan
