
There are 32 repositories under layout-analysis topic.

  • Layout-Parser/layout-parser

    A Unified Toolkit for Deep Learning Based Document Image Analysis

  • UglyToad/PdfPig

    Read and extract text and other content from PDFs in C# (port of PDFBox)

  • breezedeus/Pix2Text

    An Open-Source Python3 tool for recognizing layouts, tables, math formulas (LaTeX), and text in images, converting them into Markdown format. A free alternative to Mathpix, empowering seamless conversion of visual content into text-based representations. 80+ languages are supported.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1.5k1159146
  • mittagessen/kraken

    OCR engine for all the languages

  • BobLd/DocumentLayoutAnalysis

    Document Layout Analysis resources repos for development with PdfPig.

  • mindspore-lab/mindocr

    A toolbox of OCR models, algorithms, and pipelines based on MindSpore

  • andreagemelli/doc2graph

    Doc2Graph transforms documents into graphs and exploit a GNN to solve several tasks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10671918
  • NormXU/Layout2Graph

    An official implementation of paper "Paragraph2Graph: A Language-independent GNN-based framework for layout analysis"

  • JPLeoRX/detectron2-publaynet

    Trained Detectron2 object detection models for document layout analysis based on PubLayNet dataset

  • MaitySubhajit/SelfDocSeg

    [ICDAR 2023] SelfDocSeg: A self-supervised vision-based approach towards Document Segmentation (Oral)

  • dell-research-harvard/HJDataset

    A Large Dataset of Historical Japanese Documents with Complex Layouts

    Language:Jupyter Notebook28324
  • BobLd/PdfPigMLNetBlockClassifier

    Proof of concept of training a simple Region Classifier using PdfPig and ML.NET (LightGBM). The objective is to classify each text block in a pdf document page as either title, text, list, table and image.

  • CaseDrive/publaynet-models

    Trained Detectron2 object detection models for document layout analysis based on PubLayNet dataset

  • MBAigner/PDFSegmenter

    This library builds a graph-representation of the content of PDFs. The graph is then clustered, resulting page segments are classified and returned. Tables are retrieved formatted as a CSV.

  • jiangnanboy/layout_analysis4j

    利用java-yolov8实现版面检测(Chinese layout detection),java-yolov8 is used to detect the layout of Chinese document images

  • VRI-UFPR/ocrd-gbn

    OCR-D compliant toolset for optical layout recognition on historical german-language documents published in Brazil

  • yoshihikoueno/pdfminer-layout-scanner

    A more complete example of programming with PDFMiner, which continues where the default documentation stops

  • pleb631/PdfDet

    PdfDet aims to simplify PDF layout detect tasks for users.

  • ppaanngggg/yolo-doclaynet

    YOLO models trained by DocLayNet - power your Document Intelligent by Layout Analysis

  • VRI-UFPR/page-xml-draw

    A powerful CLI tool for visualization and encoding of PAGE-XML files

  • os-climate/crrf-det

    A web application for PDF content and table extraction, featuring image-based visual layout analysis, indexed document search, batch processing and extraction result annotation.

  • calfa-co/rasam-dataset

    An Open Dataset for the Recognition and Analysis of Scripts in Arabic Maghrebi (ICDAR 2021)

  • empressabyss/nordrassil

    Nordrassil is a keyboard layout that provides an elegant and balanced typing experience by its use of a thumb-alpha, emphasis on middle fingers, and de-prioritisation of pinkies.

  • heshiming/paddlefish

    A Python + C implementation for image-based PDF page layout analysis and content extraction.

  • diegosiqueir4/deepdoctection

    A Repo For Document AI

  • ixalodecte/filestruct

    A python package to structure files using visual and style informations

  • matthewleechen/BritishPatents

    Curating a dataset of British patents

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • calfa-co/chi-know-po

    HTR ground truth of the Chi-Know-Po project (Collex Persée)

  • eustro/michael

    BA-thesis in history.

  • majeek/scribble-segmentation

    This repository presents the code of the paper titled "Scribble Based Interactive Page Layout Segmentation Using Gabor Filter" published in ICFHR2016.

  • calfa-co/Patrologia-Graeca

    Main repository of the CGPG project for OCR and Text Analysis of the Patrologia Graeca

  • VRI-UFPR/ocrd-page-xml-draw

    OCR-D wrapper for page-xml-draw
