
There are 43 repositories under learning-platform topic.

  • ICT-BDA/EasyML

    Easy Machine Learning is a general-purpose dataflow-based system for easing the process of applying machine learning algorithms to real world tasks.

  • LinwoodDev/dev_doctor

    Free, opensource, serverless learning platform

  • karpovigorok/vms

    VMS is your Video Subscription Platform. Add unlimited videos, posts, and pages to your subscription site. Earn re-curring revenue and require users to subscribe to access premium content on your website.

  • yogeshnile/course-stream-in-django

    In this repo I have developed online learning platform like udemy. In this project free courses as well as paid courses both are developed.

  • learning-platform-web


    Learning platform built with PHP.

  • anushkagarg5653/Guide-Me

    Guideme is a webapp which guides students to choose the field which matches their interest, it also provides a discussion platform and resources for the same.

  • navn-r/uimpactify

    The E-Learning website dedicated to serve the social purpose sector.

  • SLLearningTeam/SLLearning

    听说 在线学习平台

  • pythoMazov


    🚀 tecnoMazov v2 - A Python site leading to free programming courses, books, certificates, and other helpful corners of the Interwebz.

  • afsalat/DK-ACADEMY

    This is an asp.net c# project. It includes branch creation, course details, AI for passion detector, employee details, other features and this project is divided into four parts, administrator section, branch section, client side section and main/home section.

  • openaisolutions/AutodidactAI

    AutodidactAI is an AI-driven platform that empowers continuous learning and self-improvement. Inspired by the concept of ikigai, AutodidactAI seeks to find purpose in knowledge acquisition and enhance its performance through iterative feedback and adaptation, embodying the principles of self-directed learning and continuous improvement

  • OpenClassrooms-Student-Center/learn-symfony

    A Symfony 4 Blog application based on the official Symfony Demo Application :heart_eyes:

  • SaschaMet/Brain-Wave

    Brain-Wave is a learning application built with Next.js that allows you to build you own knowledge base. It enhances learning efficiency by employing a Spaced Repetition Algorithm, ensuring optimal information retention and comprehension.

  • gowthamrajk/CODE-JAMM

    A complete learning platform for java programming from scratch to advanced and practicing programming's. it has an inbuilt compiler, different sectional of programs and concepts to learn like advanced programs, easy programs, moderate level programs, data structures , oops concepts, matrix, pattern printing, heap, stack, queue, linked list, arrays, collections, strings, JDBC, trees, functions in java, reference materials, learning tutorial videos, etc...

  • pearl-ai/pearl-ai.github.io

    P.E.A.R.L. - Platform to Explore Algorithms in Reinforcement Learning

  • Raj-Srikar/Codeblocks

    A programming learning platform that generates programs in Python and C++ in real-time when the logic blocks are interlocked together.

  • Umfi/cs-learning-platform

    A responsive learning platform with a focus on topics of the computer science curriculum.

  • code-co-ua/beta

    An upcoming version ✨

  • jelastic-jps/moodle

    Moodle is a learning platform, designed to provide educators and learners with a single robust

  • bruno-chavez/Coffee-Electronics-Learning-Platform

    SPA Web app made with the PEAN stack

  • cleversamer/bayan-server

    The backend of a Bayan Learning Platform

  • Hi-kue/memoria

    Website repository for memoria

  • l3s-learnweb/learnweb

    Learnweb is a collaborative search and sharing system which brings together different online services under one umbrella

  • matthewpolak17/learning_project

    eLearning Platform // Teachers and students can create discussion posts. Teachers can post quizzes for students to take. Teachers and students can view relevant scores/data.

  • nlp4all


    NLP4All is a learning platform for educational institutions to help students that are not in data-oriented fields to understand natural language processing techniques and applications.

  • prathimacode-hub/FeaturedBlogs-Backup

    💡✔This repository contains all the blogs that are being featured across various learning platforms and websites.

  • rezapex/peakofeloquence-app

    ☪️ PeakofEloquence is an open-source Islamic education platform developed with modern web technologies to offer a rich and engaging learning experience in Islamic studies. The platform includes interactive lessons, texts, and multimedia content. PeakofEloquence aims to make high-quality Islamic educational resources accessible to everyone.

  • timthedev07/KCAMathsHub

    A community-based platform for providing peer-assistance with Math school work and questions, available internally at KCA.

  • yogeshwar-chaudhari-20/codeX1.0

    An Adaptive Coding Test Platform. Very first attempt to build an AI-powered application. Over 600 participants, served 80 concurrent users using limited computing resources.

  • mkgs210/dots_binary_NN_classificator

    Java client-server application for binary classification of points. Points are entered by the user using the mouse by click the left or right keys. The server stores user neural network information in an sql database. The neural network parameters are defined on the client side.

  • noahgsolomon/smart.wtf

    Making learning fun again

  • QuizzlerTech/quizzler-api

    Quizzler-Backend is the server-side component of Quizzler, a dynamic study application designed to help students learn in the most effective way possible. This backend repository hosts a robust suite of technologies that support advanced study methods such as spaced repetition and social interaction, enhancing retention and making learning easy.

  • SanjanaNilanka/CodePedia

    CodePedia is a programming environment for novice programmers to practice and learn Java programming. It features a text editor, Java compiler, error message generator with explanations, hinting system, tutorial hub, quiz platform, and real-time Java challenges.

  • venkateswarlupambha/EmpowerSkill-Community-Upskilling-Platform

    EmpowerSkill: Community Upskilling Platform

  • Capstone


    Capstone is a web-based online tutorial platform offering some courses. It was a part of my Yhils internship programme. It features YouTube channel attribution, local storage for student information, responsive design for different devices, and a dark mode option. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, Font Awesome, and Swiper.

  • Sarthak1911/Mantrayaan

    A personalised Sanskrit Learning Platform where the user can select and learn the set of shlokas he/she wants.
