
There are 15 repositories under legal-ai topic.

  • AndrewZhe/lawyer-llama

    中文法律LLaMA (LLaMA for Chinese legel domain)

  • thunlp/CAIL

    Chinese AI & Law Challenge

  • irlab-sdu/fuzi.mingcha

    夫子•明察司法大模型是由山东大学、浪潮云、**政法大学联合研发,以 ChatGLM 为大模型底座,基于海量中文无监督司法语料与有监督司法微调数据训练的中文司法大模型。该模型支持法条检索、案例分析、三段论推理判决以及司法对话等功能,旨在为用户提供全方位、高精准的法律咨询与解答服务。

  • maastrichtlawtech/awesome-legal-nlp

    📖 A curated list of LegalNLP resources from all around the web.

  • thunlp/attribute_charge

    The source code of our COLING'18 paper "Few-Shot Charge Prediction with Discriminative Legal Attributes".

  • thunlp/CAIL2018

  • thunlp/TopJudge

  • NJU-LegalAI/Legal-ChatGLM


  • bockph/Legal-Sentence-Role-Classification

    This repo is about the classification of rhetorical roles in Legal Documents such as: Citation, Findings of Fact, Evidence, Legal Rule, Reasoning and other sentences. The used data is Based on BVA decisions and a prototype is provided

  • sachink1729/legal-cases-search-using-self-query-qdrant-llama3-langchain

    Building a Legal Case Search Engine Using Qdrant, Llama 3, LangChain and Exploring Different Filtering Techniques

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7104
  • ntphuc149/ViLQA

    Different from prior reseraches that only dive into Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) approach, we compare the strong QA models in two scenarios: MRC (span extraction) and Answer Generation (AG) (Text Generation) for Vietnamese Legal Documents.

  • louisbrulenaudet/hf-for-legal

    HF for Legal: A Community Package for Legal Applications 🤗

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21
  • alexlimatds/bracis_2023

    Code and artifacts of the paper titled Evaluating Recent Legal Rhetorical Role Labeling Approaches Supported by Transformer Encoders accepted in BRACIS 2023.

  • fastdatascience/evaluate_insolvency

    Code for evaluating the Insolvency Bot

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • hcai-ovgu/symposium2023

    Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2023 organised by the HCAI research group of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, chaired by Prof. Ernesto W. De Luca and co-ordinated by Erasmo Purificato.