There are 8 repositories under lgboost topic.
Analyzing the HR Criteria of a Company and how they promote their Employees and keep Balance between them using Data Analytics, Data Visualizations, and Machine Learning Models for Classification Purposes.
It is From Analytics Vidhya Hackathons, Sponsored by Club Mahindra. It is based on Regression Problem, Where Accuracy matters the most, It is measured by RMSE Score. Different Techniques such as Stacking, Ensembling, Boosting and Scientific Operations such box-cox Operations to reduce skewness of the data.
Using data within first 24 hours of intensive care to develop a machine learning model that could improve the current patient survival probability prediction system (apache_4a) and is more generalized to patients outside of the US
A sentiment classification model is written in Python and Spark using ensemble learning.
Python; Machine-Learning; XGBoost; LGBoost; Data Science; Kaggle Competition; Top 2% Marks Among All Competitors
Boost Model
Predicting Parkinson's disease using various machine learning models