
There are 6 repositories under lifecycle-viewmodel topic.

  • noor1yasser9/VideoCalling

    Simple application. First the user creates a new account in the application using Firebase Auth (Sign Up), Second, user will log in to the application and We will store logged user information into shared preferences to handle auto-sign in so users don't need to enter email and password every time, and Final we display list of registered users in the application except for the currently logged user because he cannot establish a call with himself.

  • WangZhiYao/Booster

    An android application to help special game booster

  • theMIslam/News-App

    Newsfeed app. The project came out big, this is the first time I've written such a thing. I got more practice and learned how to correct mistakes and became more attentive. We wrote for MVVM using paging3, retrofit, lifecycle, navComponent, glide.

  • winseyli/DummyProductManagement

    This Android project demos the use of KTX, LifeCycle ViewModel, DI with Hilt, and Retrofit2.

  • rllyhz/bfaa-final-submission

    Android Fundamental Dicoding Academy - Final Submission

  • rllyhz/github-user-app-2

    Android Fundamental Dicoding Academy - Submission 2
