There are 153 repositories under linearregression topic.
Machine Learning C++
Linear Regression From Scratch
In this project, I applied different regression models for rmse and mae on antenna dataset for predict signal strength.
Stock Prediction using LSTM, Linear Regression, ARIMA and GARCH models. Hyperparameter Optimization using Optuna framework for LSTM variants.
Stock Market Forecasting with CoreML in Swift
Implementation of Linear regression on Boston House Pricing and Diabetes data sets using python.
A set of projects I worked on as part of my PG Diploma in Data Science Program
This repository contains our project on Stock Market Price prediction Using Historical Data
In this project I have implemented 14 different types of regression algorithms including Linear Regression, KNN Regressor, Decision Tree Regressor, RandomForest Regressor, XGBoost, CatBoost., LightGBM, etc. Along with it I have also performed Hyper Paramter Optimization & Cross Validation.
Open Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning lectures from top Universities like Stanford University, MIT, UC Berkeley. And an intent classifier which can classifies a query into one of the 21 given intents.
Stock prediction model with data imported from quandl
Apache Spark machine learning project using pyspark
Dummy variables can be really helpful while creating multiple linear regression models.
Forcasting the volume of DATA 2G, 3G and 4G stream
This was my first step into machine learning, Its not new, I am just uploading it on Github now. Its a llinear regression model
Easy statistical testing on the web
Few linear regression models developed by me.
Medical Insurance Cost Prediction
This is Flask integrated Machine Learning model which uses Linear Regression to Predict the CO2 Emission of Vehicle
The objective is to build a ML-based solution (linear regression model) to develop a dynamic pricing strategy for used and refurbished smartphones, identifying factors that significantly influence it.
Machine Learning Lecture Notes
Simple regression problem where by pre-loaded data I have shown different regression algorithm and their performance on data.
project by team sudo-solve in kodekochikode hackathon
This GitHub repository contains code for predicting the country destination of new Airbnb users using machine learning techniques on the "Airbnb New User Bookings" dataset from a Kaggle competition.
This project involves parsing bike-sharing data from the CityBikes API and merging it with location-based details from Foursquare and Yelp APIs, conducting data exploration, visualization, and regression modeling to examine the correlation between bike station characteristics and adjacent points of interest.
"Predict and enhance employee promotions through data-driven insights and a predictive model in the 'HR Classification for Promotion' project."
Regression is a statistical method used to analyze the relationship between one or more independent variables (often referred to as predictors, features, or input variables) and a dependent variable (often referred to as the target, response, or output variable). Scaling is the process of transforming data so that it falls within a specific range.
This GitHub repository contains code for a student performance prediction model utilizing linear regression. The model is built using relevant student data features and implements one-hot encoding for categorical variables. The repository includes data preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and prediction visualization using matplotlib.
This project aims to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) by addressing missing data using linear regression and predicting the time required for particular orders. Additionally, it predicts the optimal set of routes for a fleet of vehicles to traverse to deliver to a given set of customers efficiently.
Machine learning Algorithms but the implementations done by me and no external libraries used
In this project, I have developed a Machine Learning model to predict whether users will click on ads. By analyzing various characteristics of users who click on ads, we can gain valuable insights and optimize ad campaigns for better engagement.
This Python script processes a housing dataset to predict property prices using a Linear Regression model. It starts by importing essential libraries (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and scikit-learn).