
There are 5 repositories under linux-shell-in-c topic.

  • Shell-in-C


    This Project is Part of My University Project for Operating System Lab (OS Lab) Project. In This Project I Have Implemented a Basic Shell With the Help of C Language, Which Performs Many of The Functionalities as Similar to Linux Shell

  • ameykunte/C-Shell

    Linux Shell created as part of Operating Systems and Networks course

  • JohnniesHere/shell-program

    This is a simple shell program written in C for Linux-based machines. It reads commands from the user or a script file, executes them, and handles special commands like "alias", "unalias", and "source". It also counts the number of commands, script lines, and commands that contains quotes. It uses a stack to check for quotes in the input.

  • logangoins/Bosh

    Bosh - Barebones Operating-system SHell - A minimal Bash-like shell!

  • yousefkotp/Linux-Shell

    An implementation of a Linux shell using the Linux system calls fork(), execvp(), wait(), and exit(). The input is tokenized using the flex tool and parsed using the yacc parser.
