
There are 37 repositories under listcomprehensions topic.

  • t-sin/lisc

    LISP as a python's LISt Comprehension

  • dirkschumacher/listcomp

    List comprehensions in R

  • parulnith/Elements-of-Functional-Programming-in-Python

    Learn how to how to use the lambda, map, filter and reduce functions in Python to transform data structures.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15206
  • Anello92/organization_visualization_python

    Python organization and visualization, Python ggplot graphics, Seaborn statistical charts, Matplotlib Dashboard and Linear Regression, advanced configuration and customization in Matplotlib

    Language:Jupyter Notebook71011
  • JesterXL/luafp

    Functional Programming and list comprehension helper functions for Lua.

  • CircArgs/Rusty-Comprehensions

    A simple list comprehension macro in the spirits of python and haskell

  • blairjames/claymore

    Lightweight file integrity based - Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) built in pure Python3. Recursively enumerates directories, stores hashes of files, detects and logs file modifications.

  • DanielCarmonaPhantom/Easy-Python-Exercises

    Estos ejercicios están hechos para que puedas practicar tu conocimiento sobre strings, ciclos y listas. Cantidad de ejercicios: 10 Dificultad: Fácil

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21019
  • lamia-datalover/Exploratory-Data-Analysis-EDA-

    This repository contains EDA projects. The code for each project is provided, and the explanations can be found in the file of each project !

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • rampal-punia/python-tutorials

    A complete walk through tutorial of Python basics and fundamental. Learn python data-types, conditions, loops, functions classes and other built-in functions and methods.

  • Deepali-14/Tic-Tac-Toe_Game

    It is a traditional Tic-Tac-Toe game which is made using only python language.

  • EngrDhee/automatic_credit_debit_operations

    The Credit and Debit Operations script automates crediting and debiting of main and bonus balances for subscriber lines, simplifying operations, enhancing output readability, and logging for troubleshooting. It combines all operations into a single script and offers clear usage instructions for both command-line and file input methods.

  • jacobz11/Python-Projects

    Various projects in Python language

  • javieramayapat/hangman-game

    🎮 Development of the Hangman game, created by the console, using ASCII code to draw each scenario and put into practice the knowledge acquired in Python.

  • LucasAMiranda/day-4


  • Naga-kalyan/BasicPython

    Python Programming

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • randleon/Analytics-Programming

    assignments and projects for Yeshiva University's Katz School Analytics Programming course, fall 2019

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • ZeRafaelN/Classificacao-de-listas

    projeto de separação de categorias utilizando sintaxes simples de python de input output, list comprehension e indexação.

  • ZeRafaelN/Montagem-bandas

    projeto em python de organização de artistas para formação de bandas. Utilização de leitura e escrita de arquivos .csv, list comprehension e recursividade.

  • 1varuna/progforfun

    Implementations of simple mathematical equations/concepts in multiple programming languages.

  • ADv0rnik/Data-analysis-for-JER

    Data analysis for JER using Python Tools for data manipulation. The wildfire statistics in Gomel region was used as a source.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Anurag1101/List_Command_Operations

    "A Python-based command-line tool that performs dynamic list operations such as inserting, removing, appending, sorting, and reversing elements. Users can interactively input commands to manipulate a list, making it a practical utility for learning Python list manipulation."

  • gjimenexv/curso-python

    I learned how to create virtual enviroments in python. Handleing and creating projects dependencies. What is a lambda function and its order functions. Handling errors with try catch, asserts and debugging. Read and Write Files.

  • pritaaa/Python-part-2

    List Of Contents : Break, Continue, While Loops, List Comprehension, Functions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Rajat4445/Rotten-Tomatoes-Web-Scraping-

    Rotten Tomatoes is a popular movie review website and suggests movies in different categories. We want the information such as Movie title, year of release, rating, cast and other details of the top 140 action movies to watch now.

  • betulavcil/Python_Programming_for_Data_Science_Exercises

    Exercises I did in the first week at Miuul Data Science Bootcamp

  • felipenufisnor/python-advancing-language

    Python: advancing in the language

  • GakuruAlex/vanity_plates

    A python program solving CS50's Intro to Programming with Python, Loops Problem set on vanity plates

  • Grosario2/API_Mini-Project

    Mini project in which the following topics were implemented: data import using API and Python Built-in functions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Jaya272000/JiraProject

    Jira_Project(madgical tech dom)

  • Jimmymugendi/LuxDev-week-4-boot-camp

    This repo focuses on operations performed in python. Interview questions that data entusiast and practitoners should be aware of.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • jokerjam-s/MAIN_PYTHON_GB_HW_003

    Погружение в Python. Коллекции

  • Mohamed-Taha-Essa/HackerRankProblems

    Hacker rank solution using python programming language with simple code.

  • nasreen-ahmed/PythonPractice4DataScience

    Data cleaning, EDA, Data Wrangling, Numpy, Pandas

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Rahul24qwerty/Web_scraping_github_bytopics_from_scratch

    In this project , Dataframe is created by web scraping the github topics. With each topics URL, further scraping has been done for the individual topics and finally the data has been converted to csv format. This repository contains two notebooks (1)scraping_github_repos.ipynb" (2) "Final_code.ipynb":

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • swati-gwc/Python-programs

    Collections of python programs

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20