
There are 4 repositories under literal-eval topic.

  • pfevrety/equation-solver

    Simple literal expression reducer and renderer.

  • caseygomez/Female-Representation-In-The-Film-Industry

    Generate a machine learning model that describes the level of female inclusion in relevant departments of the film industry according to historical records.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2301
  • kiwi0fruit/litereval

    Wrapper around ast.literal_eval with additional {foo='bar', key=None} dict syntax. + Deep merge two dictionaries.

  • FRITFI-Female_vs_Male_Since_1950


    Generating a machine learning model that describes the level of female vs. male representation in relevant departments of the film industry since 1950, and projecting what year women will make up 50% of those departments. Part of the Female Representation In The Film Industry project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0010