
There are 47 repositories under liveserver topic.

  • Falldot/esbuild-dev-server

    This plugin allows you to start a local server with hot reloading with Esbuild

  • wolandark/vim-live-server

    A live web server for Vim/NeoVim - see your changes in real time

    Language:Vim Script47146
  • vduseev/wutch

    Watch for changes in the directories, launch shell command on each change and display results in LiveServer. Built with Sphinx in mind.

  • dicleacet/dieticianApp

    Diyetisyen Uygulaması

  • hungpm372/coffee-style-ui

    Coffee template ui

  • SmartProgSolutions/CineMania

    O CineMania é uma aplicação web com um amplo catálogo de filmes, projetada para proporcionar uma experiência intuitiva e completa aos usuários durante a navegação e busca por obras cinematográficas.

  • barandemirbas/ambystoma

    A small HTTP server including live reload.

  • eshaagarwa/MegamaxServices_Project

    MegaMax is a dynamic, fully animated service-based website 🌐, featuring multiple sections such as About 🏢, Partnership 🤝, Services 💼, Blog 📝, News 📰, Contact 📞, and Career pages 🎯. The front end is developed using a Bootstrap theme 💻, while the backend is powered by PHP and MySQL 🛠️. This website serves as for show MegaMax' offering 🚀.

  • HMontarroyos/dev_finance

    Foi desenvolvido durante a Maratona Discover da Rocketseat essa aplicação de controle financeiro, capaz de medir e gerenciar seus gastos mensais com praticidade e eficiência.

  • HubGitShree/MenuMate

    MenuMate is your very own Hostel Menu Assistant. It is a Telegram bot designed to provide real-time access to the hostel menu for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. This bot improves the dining experience for students by allowing them to easily check the daily menu without needing to refer to physical menu boards or static images.

  • hvmazzola/projeto-habits

    Habit Tracker

  • jonasermert/Projekt-SuperDuper-Lev-3

    Project which I've implemented after the first week of Web-Development Full-Stack @ SuperCode Bootcamp

  • Kasia307584/les_petits_plats-recipe-search-app

    Javascript search engine

  • Marius-brt/OneSide-Cli

    OneSide Cli module for OneSide package.

  • abhiraj-ku/serve-It

    Simple go implementation of famous vscode extension live server

  • d3mmalition/local-library-reservation-system

    A dashboard that tracks the status of books in a local library. It's designed to test your ability to work with large datasets and build algorithms based on those datasets, using JavaScript skills such as array manipulation, object access, and using common array methods like find(), filter(), map(), reduce(), and sort().

  • DalexisValencia/base_sass

    Estructura base de un flujo de trabajo Front-end.

  • hvmazzola/labshoppinglist-frontend

    Projeto do front-end da aplicação LabShoppingList

  • JuanLorenzoAlba/TP3-UI-Alba_JuanLorenzo

    Trabajo N°3 de Proyecto de Software - Frontend

  • jwgatt/pomodoro-clock

    Minimal code React pomodoro clock

  • syedumerahmedcode/counter

    The project is called counter and via this project, the user can increase or decrease the counter when the user click a button. This program can be used to keep track of repeatable task which increases or decreases over time. Additionally, the user can also reset the counter when needed.

  • UlianaPla/notes

    Application for managing notes: add, edit, archive, delete.

  • AlineCarolina/Pixel-Art

    This project is a web page that contains a functional color palette that can be used to create pixel drawings.

  • arianimmen/Javascript-Bootcamp-Challenge

    This is a simple transaction table application built as a part of my bootcamp task. It allows you to view and sort transactions. Additionally, the app has a search functionality to quickly find specific transactions. It simulates a real-time API and database using Axios and live server.

  • Carla-coder/Papel_Tudo

    Padrão de Desenvolvimento MVC

  • FlavianaFXT/Certificard

    Certificado digital pessoal mostrando todos os projetos desenvolvidos até o final da Imersão Dev da Alura, em Outubro de 2022. Este projeto utiliza HTML, CSS e Javascript e foram trabalhados inicialmente no CODEPEN.

  • FlavianaFXT/Conversor-de-Moedas

    Conversor de Moedas desenvolvido durante as aulas da Imersão DEV Alura (Outubro/2022), que tem como objetivo converter moedas de Dólar para Reais.

  • FlavianaFXT/Mentalista_Imers-o-DEV_Alura

    Projeto desenvolvido durante as aulas da Imersão DEV Alura - Outubro 2022, que tem como objetivo o usuário advinhar o número escolhido pela máquina. Necessárias correções quanto a funcionalidade do Botão `chutar`

  • jmgogo/salary-js

    Demonstrating design best practices with 'separation-of-concern' (SoC) techniques to dynamically render salary data via user input with JavaScript.

  • Kasia307584/fish_eye-photographers-platform

    Accessible platform for photographers

  • krypton225/ecommerce-js

    This is just a ecommerce application with native JavaScript & Tailwind CSS

  • merRen22/notes_on_es6-12

    Notes about new features in es 6 - 12

  • regis066/todo-list-dapp

    Build a Todo list Dapp using solidity, web3 and truffle framework
